100+ top rated suggestions (2017-2019)
Wondered about the current state of suggestions and made a quick script to extract and try to group the top rated suggestions into categories.
Split into multiple posts because of length limit.
Sampler / Sampling
1) Automation of Start and End points of a sample and different Looping options
4) Self extending length record Mode
6) External Audio Looper
14) Just plain, simple Audio Thru please!
19) Grain Sampler
23) Arming deluge for record on note entry
33) Pre-roll count in when recording
46) Sample waveform visualization
58) Record start arming. For midi and audio.
60) Beta 2.1 - Setting 'Loop Points' to zero crossing to avoid clicks
61) "Scrub" mode for editing sample start/end points
66) Slice region transient detection
67) Transients slicer mode
72) Count In recording
73) Enable FM synth mode with samples?
80) Ability to automate sample reverse and speed
81) sample selection realtime exchange
87) Deluge firmware to support multisamples
92) Multi-sampling/ velocity layering
103) Slicing using the 2.1 waveform view
2) Compressor
15) Different Kinds of Reverb
32) Show grid as 16 band equalizer
37) Smoother gradient for using saturation
40) Delay times please include dotted variants
65) A Second Reverb
77) Shimmer Delay / Reverb
83) Delay Sync Times - please add dotted options!
Sequencer Capabilities
3) Song view should work like Ableton Live's session view
5) monochrome /single color for tracks
8) Loop Screen / Cycle Region
12) sequencer editing: nudge individual notes left/right
16) True Custom Scales
21) Conditional Notes/Triggers
22) Step automation view / automation drawing (track long envelope drawing).
26) Song Mode - Sections Palette to draw on the grid
31) Song-View: show track “names“
34) "Micro Timing" - (hold note & push-turn up/down knob)
35) Dual-Screen mode (2 different screens on a single page)
43) Horizontal track shifting
48) Sequence/track playback direction options (like Fugue Machine)
52) Fine Note Length Adjustment
59) A 3rd song mode
62) Microtonal Scales
78) Sequence mangling tools in song view for live playing variations.
86) Recording live INTO arranger mode so it reflects a jam timeline
89) Follow the Playhead across to next screen/bar
102) FEATURE REQUEST: Time signature select
110) Track view: Step color reflects velocity not pitch
7) Global Defaults Menu
11) Alphanumeric kbd
17) Complete Audio / Midi Bouncing - Ableton export
38) Edit over USB
44) Mixer function with VU Meters
50) Copy and Paste function
55) Battery charge % display mode
76) Battery warning
84) ALPHA-NUMERIC FILE & FOLDER SORTING ( a u t o m a t i c )
99) OLED display upgrade option
113) File Browser: Use LAUNCH/SECTION columns to show current folder content
9) Programming chords in keyboard mode
13) Arpeggiator additions
39) note repeat
41) Keyboard View: map velocity to the 16 side pads
56) Piano style layout for entering notes (in addition to the guitar style 4ths layout)
100) Chord palette + circle of fifths + chord track
24) Folder structure for organizing presets
25) Keeping zoom level per track
27) SOLO track
28) Arm SHIFT (double tap to arm)
29) Ability to delete presets and samples
36) Option for an effects tail when unarming a track
45) copy/paste a row in a kit-track including the sample and all settings
51) Zooming,track length adjust, and horizontal scrolling visual LCD displays
63) "Fast compose" velocity on right hand side column idea when entering/editing notes
64) Undo Command
70) Note off instead of note cut on track disable
74) add a momentary LED meter using a hot key
79) Screen to show exact value of parameter knobs.
82) Moving between internal drums and external drum modules, and Midi drum maps!
88) Focused Zooming In On Track
93) Deleting all sequenced notes in a track
95) Real MIDI templates + fewer MIDI learn restrictions
96) Keep an eye on little and logical issues, and complete functions
104) Instant mute as a Default option
106) Song Export / Project Save / Collect All & Save
107) Cpu meter or overload warning
112) Section/Track Launch Behaviour
Midi Capabilities
18) MIDI controller assignment option to access the selected / edited track
20) MLR mode for Deluge
30) NRPN
57) Midi PC
68) using arp on midi tracks
71) Transmit MIDI Pitch Bend and Aftertouch
75) Multiple tracks assignable to 1 midi channel
85) More (or even all) paremeters MIDI controllable
90) Midi CC Patching (LFO/ENV/...)
91) Learn incoming CC values in midi track
109) Aftertouch (to CC)
111) MIDI Polyphic Expression (MPE) support
Synth Engine
42) Custom Graphic LFO Waveforms
47) Triplet sync options
49) Envelopes (decay time) finer adjustment?
53) more LFO shapes
98) More options for FM Engine
101) Monophonic track mode
108) Karplus-Strong String Synthesis
"Workflow": UX enhancement for existing features. Rather not a new feature or UX, rather a small change to enhance or complete existing features. Overlaps with other categories the most.
"Strikethrough": Deliberate guess of what is done or has been adressed in the next update.
Good initiative! I would suggest using strikethrough for items which have been delivered already.
thanks, highstandards. dont know if i would call it an initiative. Guess Rohan is busy as a bee getting the insane update out now, i am stoked about suggestions like qwerty keyboard or external audio looper, they look amazing in 3.0.
Nice work.
thanks. goal was to get some insights about what is popular.
interestingly most ideas are about the sampler, sequencer and workflow. effects and synth engine are less important as it seems.
some stats: there are about 1000 suggestion threads, only 10% made it over roughly 10 votes, so it can be expected only 1 out of 10 ideas draw attention. makes me feel less bad about my own suggestions
also i wanted to know how many dupes are in the top 100. not too bad actually. surely i ll be tempted to blame the next new “triplet, dotted rate” suggestion though
Great overview of all our dreams Thanks!
NICE! Thanks!
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
Thanks! Nice and easy to read. Much appreciated.
Yeah, to be honest, I don't really look at the number of votes. The ones in the top 10/20 obviously do make an impact, but we understand that the chances of submitting a new great idea and getting it into those echelons is difficult, so I just look at everything new coming in...but also, our existing dream list is already epicly huge...
I have a similar list to this on a spreadsheet, but I don't record the position or votes on an idea, but yeah, its nice to have the top 100 (so far) collected...you can probably cross out a few more on that list from the 3.0 beta
Missing Global Midi-Control Changes instead of Sound related Midi CCs. Lets call it Global Midilearning.
the top rated midi request is close to that imho
trying out v3 beta, striked off some more
btw, almost a hidden gem i dig the new preset handling, gets rid of the automatic preset naming. reloading a kit from a clone is really easier now http://forums.synthstrom.com/discussion/comment/9372#Comment_9372
@amiga909 I am in the v3 beta also but don't see how "24) Folder structure for organizing presets" is supported.
my reasoning was that the idea is obsolete with preset naming and search in v3. the use case of having a folder for bass, lead, arp, .. presets is obsolete now imho.
but after a second thought i agree it could still make sense to add 24), for example to add a preset folder made by another user, like 'Guilherm' which contains all of his presets and i'll always know which preset was made by him.
Yeah at least one layer of folders would be cool in everything songs kits etc.
It would also make sense for computer free sample management. The ability to move/copy/rename files and folders, and DELETE would be....well. No reason why if you move a sample it couldn't replace the path in song files either. Not to mention Multisample synths are already tied to folders so the ability to edit and work with them makes sense.
Seems like a logical next step with qwerty to me.
Effects 2) Compressor......
I've been checking the Synth XML files to see the settings for some of the default voices out of interest.
What does:
refer to in the code?
thats the sidechain compressor.
yes, there is a compressor. however, since you can have only one global sidechain input, applications are limited. i've tried to emulate a standard compressor with a steady sidechain input signal. means: give sounds a narrower loudness range, make quiet parts louder and leave loud parts unchanged. didnt get that "boost" effect i usually look after with a compressor to make for example drums more present or voices more understandable. dont know if others got better results with emulating a compressor with the Deluge sidechain compressor.
Is this list still maintained? btw thank you @amiga909 for this list.
And another topic:
Since several months and firmwares I have the impression we just help each other here in the forum, what is really nice, but a lot of old unfinished features will not be finalized.Or are not on the list of things that will make it ever into the firmware (when I look on the dates since when they are open). On other forums and blogs I already read, that some users would be really happy to get a "new boring" firmware with a lot finished things instead of sooper dooper new features.
So does it still make sense to talk about it? Or is it just "keep the pack busy" talk?
PS: please no "lol haha" answers. Thank you.
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
The fact that Ian appreciated this list of feature requests and participated on this thread where he is otherwise always busy with managing worldwide events and publishing records (thumbs up for that), shows me that he is still hard on the product.
The more complex Deluge gets the more difficult it gets to keep it all without bugs imo
thanks. no, it is a snapshot of july 19, never intended it to be a backlog or similar. i still have the script to fetch top 100 but it was a lot of manual work to sort them. for me it is more of a lookup list, so much good content on this forum that is worth getting linked to.
yeah, hopefully some of the evergreens get tackled, really greedy for the new wavetable feature too though - even more if i already knew its about sample based synthesis
Oh I see, yes thought it is a lot manual work. Maybe we could convince Rohan to use for all the issues, bugs and feature requests something like https://gitlab.com/. This would make tracking for him much more easy. And he could flag that stuff he wont touch any more with a "wont fix" tag. So we know it doesn't make sense to discuss this further.
Those tools are made especially for this purpose and he don't have to put his code online .. just the issues and bug reports.
Sure, but Ian isn't touching any line of code .... so ?
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
@OdoSendaidokai i really appreciate ur strong open source stance but it sounds a bit too easy for me. how to turn such a list in a viable product backlog? implement all the Howˋs, even if they contradict each other? imho its more about inspiration and feedback, not product control. Synthstrom needs user feedback and they do a good job, creative music gear is very much defined by user creativity in the end. and sure, as i love to think and write about the Deluge, i would appreciate if Synthstrom could invest in better tools to increase feedback quality, for example by content history features. linking threads to each other is just one way to improve content history access.
about gitlab. i would clearly prefer something like gitlab to the fb beta group for bug reports. i am getting political now when i think how tech giants like fb and google got filthy rich with getting all the ads money in the media business but clearly seem to fail to take responsibility when it comes to a real crisis as we have now with COVID-19. with that i mean addressing vitally dangerous fake news, spread and consumed by stupidity, greed or fear.
i dont mean censorship, my context is: as probably in most countries meanwhile, we have a serious quarantine situation here. yesterday, i saw a local 15y. tictoc star with 100k followers getting mad on how shit is hair will look in a month without a hairdresser and how he is not going to comply with any quarantine rules unless he is busted. not a criminal but extremely stupid and someone had to step in and shut down his stupidity for now.
It's not about opensource it is about making development more easy like you said "beta tests and bug reports" and not the code itself. Look I'm not interested in convincing someone to do something he doesn't want. I once just asked and I got an answer. And I fully respect that. Even if some people have difficulties to believe me. I'm just sad, that a lot features are only finished from 60-95% since quite a time and there seem to be no interested to finish them one day. That's the reason why i was asking initially.
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
i do believe in ur intentions, mate imho ur voice is valuable. u have a valid point with some unfinished stuff and u come up with constructive criticism. i am not a fanboy and i Synthstrom might overdo a bit with their strict no-comments-on-feature-requests, for example commenting on hardware limitations like the 1 DAC thing is a good idea imho, these are just given constraints we can use to increase feedback quality. i guess its a time resource problem and maybe also business protection, for the latter i think Korg & Co. have enough capable engineers to inspect the Deluge hardware if they really want anyway.
it would be just fantastic if the existing feature set gets finished/completed/perfected one day. i'd like that better than any new feature that could be implemented. i dream about this very often! it would seem totally logical..the list is really long. but still, i love the D so very much and no other device out there could take its place in my workflow
I fully agree @ELEVEN ! The Deluge is really a wonderfull machine and many of those low hanging fruits would lift us to cloud 9 for eternity
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
@OdoSendaidokai low hanging fruits 😄 exactly!!
while new exciting features surely attract more customers, when you sit down in front of your D and start working these little things suddenly become of the greatest importance.
opened a feature request for "fugue mode" https://github.com/SynthstromAudible/DelugeFirmware/discussions/1619
Anyone else still keeping an eye on this issue?