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los angeles
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los angeles
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  • Sub Bass

    adding a attack to the amplitude envelope (env1) can help, as @LegsMechanical mentioned. however, a more simple way is to set the retrigger phase (shortcut is <3rd from left, 4 down>) to 00 instead of OFF. if you're using two oscillators, you should do that to both (however, in some cases, that may make some unintentional changes to the overall timbre of the synth patch depending on how you are interacting with those oscillators)

    the deluge will play waveforms with the phase always in motion when retrig phase is OFF. what that means is that the sine wave can be triggered at places where there is already amplitude information, it will play anywhere within the cycle of the sine shape. if it's above or below the zero-crossing, then you will hear a blip. same thing can happen when you have a sample that ends before the sound has faded out, in this case the blip would be at the end.

  • Automation View Mode

    Merged with Community Firmware!

    This feature's implementation started with @seangoodvibes
    Main GitHub DocumentationGitHub Pull Request Info

    Automation View Mode
    Automation Instrument Clip View is a new view that complements the existing Instrument Clip View (which is accessed by pressing the Clip Button). It allows you to edit automatable parameters on a per step basis at any zoom level.

    Discuss this feature, provide video/audio examples, etc.

  • Master Compressor

    Merged with Community Firmware!

    This feature's implementation started with @Alter
    GitHub Documentation | Documentation 2

    Master Compressor
    Allows a-per-project master compressor to be enabled and fine tuned.

    In Song view, select 'Affect Entire' and SIDECHAIN modulation button, and adjust the upper gold knob. Push the upper gold knob to switch to the next setting (Threshold (dB), Makeup Gain (dB), Attack (ms), Release (ms), Ratio, MIX). The LEDs next to the knob act as a gain reduction meter.

    This compressor function can be turned on/off in the runtime feature setting.

    The button combinations and display in the video are different from the current implementation.

    Discuss this feature, provide video/audio examples, etc.

  • How do I slide everything to the right so I can add notes at the beginning?

    to slide notes you click and hold down the up/down encoder then turn the left/right encoder to slide, it can wrap around so if you slide counterclockwise it will start appear at the end of your clip.

    you most likely have to increase the length of the clip so then you can make room for the verse ur saying you want to add. do that by holding shift+turning the left/right encoder clockwise (you can also click and turn counterclockwise on the same left/right encoder to zoom out so you can add larger amounts of bars faster.)


    @mcpepe said:
    I also get the "Error" message when trying to upload. My only .bin file in the root fólder is the 4.0 firmware .bin file.
    What can I do?

    any chance you're using mac or ipad? i think sometimes hidden .ds_store files can appear when accessing the sd card from those operating systems, if those files exist on the root maybe it causes problems? did u add any other folders to the root sd card?

  • How to change linear automation cc to a bipolar cc for external synth bipolar parameter?

    this isn't implemented with automation view i'm assuming this would be within midi clips, right? functionally it should work the same, but i'm sure it would be nice to have the visual queue that the automation is affecting a bipolar parameter

  • Copying a clip from Arranger View

    if the clip is a synth or kit clip, save the preset first. then zoom out to see the full length of the clip on one screen, hit learn/input+click down on <> encoder to COPY (take note what note or sample is on the bottom most row), make a new song, make the clip with the desired preset and same length as previous, make sure to zoom out the same amount where the whole clip length is displayed, scroll so that the bottom row is the same note/sample when you copied the sequence, hit SHIFT+learn/input+click down on <> encoder to PASTE.

    if it's an audio clip, simple hit shift+browse when in the audio clip. make a new song, create a new audio clip, then hit shift+browse and the same audio recording will be brought up, press select to confirm.

  • Phaseplant Wavetable

    when you find the wavetable sample on the deluge, does the preview sound sound like the wavetable sample or is it just a saw tone even then? if it sounds like the proper wavetable but then when you confirm loading the sample to the synth, have you then tried to turn custom 1 gold knob to adjust the wavetable position, when doing so does it sound like the wavetable file?

  • Change track colour in Song View?

    Here's a workaround to get monochromatic colors for clips in song view:

    1) Enter clip
    2) If synth, scroll to a very high note, if kit, make a new sample at the highest row.
    3) Mute the high synth note row or sample row.
    4) Place a note on the first beat of the sequence, hold the note for the entirety of the clip.
    4b) For kit row samples, set the sample to stretch first, then extend the note for the entirety of the clip.
    5) Exit clip view and see how the row in song view is lit only that highest note's color. Since they're muted they won't play or conflict with the sequence.

    1st pad will be brightest color, the rest will be same color slightly faded. If you wanted to have only bright colors, then you can enter notes at every step, but if you zoom in, there will be gaps!