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  • @Bolgani said: Oh, what programming language and tech stack is the OG source code using? Still curious about this....
  • Oh, what programming language and tech stack is the OG source code using?
  • And about the channels: According to TR-8S manual: * Pattern Ch 1–16: Specifies the MIDI transmit/receive channel of the pattern sequencer. * Kit Ch 1–16: Specifies the MIDI transmit/receive channel for program change messages that s…
  • Yeah nice! Like I said in my post I use kit and midi rows because some problems I had when changing from midi clip to kit and back because I want also to be able to run my stuff standalone when needed. Oh, I also like running the kit clip wi…
  • @djAzid said: @Bolgani said: Made a video about this, I saw this. Good vid. What looks odd in the display, is that it says 'loading' all the time when switching samples (around 5:30). This would really get on my …
  • @kleinstar said: Hey, looks funny - Ill try it out. And funny, that we can randomize the randomization options Youre a funny guy thanks for your work! Thank you! And yeah, my mother loves my sense of humor. But actually the r…
  • Yeah got the Deuluge back. I knew that life was gonna be easier with this but I never realized just how much it would ease up content browsing. Now the folder-system works and preset/song management is SO much easier. I found a lot of songs that …
  • @Eddy said: Great Work! Would be nice if I could stream these random synth presets on my toshiba wifi sd card. Check-check-check it out! And get more here: …
  • Yeah, I know I know I know. The most requested feature, but technically problematic for several reasons, WPF platform doesn't really transfer well to other operating systems. Periodically looking into this for solutions, maybe some day...
  • Just found these. OMG, they are fun! Thank you!
  • @Wolf_T said: Where can I download the version for the newer 4.x firmware? Funny you should ask. Just uploaded the updated version to See top post fo…
  • Release notes (can't edit previous post?) 1.5 (24.10.2022) * Support for Deluge Firmware v 4.0. Mainly in that it can load and save new kits made with 4.0 and all kits are saved as 4.0. No additional parameters added. * UI slightly changed …
  • Oh yeah! Didn't notice that, thanks. Helps a bit but still would like to get my hands on the actual numeric value?
  • (should be "pingpong repetition or different row lengths", can't edit posts? )
  • @Bl22k said: Hi gang, I am indeed a bit of an outsider as I don't own a Deluge.. I have found this thread online while searching for a simple question regarding sequencing a TR8S with an external sequencer. I only have one direct an…
  • Yeah, Delugeator. Sorry, I missed this, been on holiday. Unfortunately current version of Delugeator handles only sample based kits and multisample synth is, well, a synth. This may and will probably change in future versions but this is the sit…
  • Took a look at this out of curiosity. It seems that GitHub has some public synth patch storages and I was wondering what this would take to create a public repository: * The repository itself (meh) * Probably the best course of action would be…
  • Hi, thanks for this pack, as we discussed earlier in another thread I'm planning to add synth support for Delugeator and you just gave me exactly what I needed: a whole load of example source material to work with. It actually even now works up…
  • Ok, AAANNND IT'S OUT!!! DELUGEATOR 1.0 Get it here: Read the manual: Wa…
  • @neilbaldwin said: Can I add a suggestion which would be incredible if you implemented it: as well as creating a new kit sound by loading a sample file, also have the ability to load Synth patches into a kit. Obviously you won't be abl…
  • @Jimantronic said: @Bolgani said: And we are almost ready for release. Here is the link to the current Delugeator (like it is called nowadays) manual where you can see what it does:…
  • Well, you can use synth rows in kits, maybe that's the answer? Haven't tried them myself, though.
  • Additional note here: but you can actually save the song kit out of the song back to an 'independent' kit by Save + Kit in the clip view. Probably also a synth.
  • And we are almost ready for release. Here is the link to the current Delugeator (like it is called nowadays) manual where you can see what it does:
  • @volsteh said: Hey @Bolgani Can you please share how to calculate or convert value numbers from the patch .xml to decimal numbers and back? I'm trying to batch change osc1 volume to lots of synth patches and the value stated in the .xml is th…
  • @zt5um , thanks for testing. Hmm, yes, you are right. Checked this out and it works like this * If you use Save As New the samples get always copied to kit-specific folder, both from Samples folder and outside Deluge root * If you use Overw…
  • I'm making a kit editor for help in this kind of situations (not available yet) but a couple of suggestions: First: Read the manual. Really. It tells you how to create new kits and how to add samples. Second: if you want the kits sound a bit h…
  • @Icoustik said: There are no real velocity layers on the Delly, but there's a way: if you load a lower velocity sample to OSC1, and a higher velocity sample to OSC2, and then patch OSC1 volume to Velocity mod source @ negative 25-50, and OSC2 vol…
  • @volsteh said: @Bolgani said: But what kind of irritates me that when browsing through songs, the screen displays the END of the name You can move the portion of text showed on the screen the with LR knob. Think what i…
  • I also like the small screen without too much info. Well, volsteh's screen suggestion would be an improvement but I'm slowly learning to read this strange viking rune alphabet. But what kind of irritates me that when browsing through songs, the…