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The relation between single kits and kits in song files

in Deluge Help
What I'm having some trouble understanding is that when you create a song and add to kit to it (or a synth for that matter), the kit in question seems to be saved in the song, but it has a reference to the original kit (presetSlot attribute).
How do these relate? If I make changes to the original kit will the changes get transferred also to song when I open it or is the kit in song file wholly separate from the original kit?
If you make changes to the original kit after an instance of it is loaded into and saved to a song, it will not get transferred to the song. Songs do indeed store their independent versions of presets.
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
Additional note here: but you can actually save the song kit out of the song back to an 'independent' kit by Save + Kit in the clip view. Probably also a synth.
Of course
Almost an inifinite amount of versions of presets can be saved, limited only by the size of the SD card
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ