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  • For presets and songs, I'd like to skip over versions by default, and only go into them once I'm there. so I don't want to have to scroll through A-Z on every song version on my way there. Ideally the dotted version is always the latest saved versio…
  • Sure, personally, I find the isomorphic keyboard really good for learning chords, since the chord shape never changes, and inversions are really easy ( go 3 pads diagonally to transpose an octave ). So I don't really feel the need to have chord memo…
  • Very nice! Speaking of colors, what I would love to see is a pad shortcut overlay that is color-coded by section. I'd rather learn that the 4 pads for the delay are orange, rather than remembering how many pads from the bottom right corners gets …
  • You're not even really waiting, because the synth is actually playing the audio that is added into the buffer anyway, so that's the first "repetition" and then the stutter repeats it. so if I say "Ha" and then the stutter adds "Ha Ha Ha Ha" behind i…
  • * display values whenever a value changes ( I'm looking at you, 8 pad shortcuts ) * display values in real units where they exists For example, delays and envelopes in milliseconds, reverb size in feet/meters, bitcrushing in bits, CC messages i…
  • Delay IMHO the delay is what needs the most work. Dotted note delays are such an iconic tempo, it's weird to not have that as an option. The lack of a delay send that's different from the delay feedback means it's impossible to add delay to only …
  • Nice, which reminds me, I should probably do a General Midi Drums kit. I can sample my Yamaha MU-80
  • Oooh yes. 2nd-modifier to edit track length in bar increments, not steps. ( do not propose duplicating as an alternative, sure, but no. ) the primary unit for track length is the bar. not step, not doubling.
  • I'm gonna +1 every good performance oriented suggestions. Also while where at it, being able to return to a given "base settings" for these effects would be awesome. In the heat of a performance, I've managed to go overboard on some modifications…
  • Seem that this would be a specialized synth mode, rather than adding more stuff to the substractive synth.
  • I agree, I also miss the option to have cued mutes on the next beat/bar. I often have tracks with variations built-in ( 4 bar chord progression over 8 bars ) so really they can be cued to the 4 bar boundary
  • +1 on having the Deluge be able to ignore incoming clock ( also start/stop messages ) these are pretty much standard on all gear with internal sequencers
  • Yes, according to the manual, you can "learn" the midi channel for a CV track, and it becomes a Midi-to-CV convertor.
    in MIDI to CV? Comment by o0_ July 2018
  • full video coming once I've got everything edited together...
  • ...or Markdown if you are geeky
  • I would agree. after quickly looking at the feature, I decided to work in chromatic mode instead. ( I've never been a big fan of scales, in the sense of hiding the notes that are outside the scale, at least ).
  • I can vouch for the build quality being excellent. I completely disassembled mine this weekend, and everything is solid, well laid out. I was actually surprised everything is on a single board, the way the encoders are mounted is clever, but unortho…
  • moving notes without having to zoom all the way in would be awesome. press and rotate encoder, 100% forward is the next step, 100% back is the previous step.
  • Some piece of gear expect MSB/LSB/PC messages in a specific order, or else they throw a fit. It's nice when the sequencer is capable of sending those messages in any order.
    in Midi Madness Comment by o0_ June 2018
  • oh it works. so it's the PREVIEW that's broken...
  • @jC3 said: Something like the Blofeld's arp would be great to have, but how long does it take to map the input chord? Would it be too slow for live playing? How about transposing in the middle of a song? it's instantaneous. we're talkin…
  • some kind of press + rotate encoder ( as long as the value is displayed ) would cover note duration, length, offset, ... I'd be fine if the current note velocity editing was extended, so you could toggle between each one
  • I'm guessing that this would be another keyboard layout which I would assumed be toggle-able, so press for ISO, press again for PIANO, ( or double/long press, since press turns the keyboard on and off ) so if the discussion is "are different layout …
  • I made a thing!
  • This is a pretty big workflow killer. going back and forth between a 1 bar drum loop and a 8 bar chord progression pretty much guarantees that the zoom level will be wrong every single time. The song view needs it's own zoom level The arranger v…
  • I was really surprised to find out that I can't assign the same track to multiple session. Session A is drum, key1, bass1. Session B is drum (same track), key2, bass2. in music, like in programming, I like the DRY principle. Do Not Repeat yourself. …
  • Only if it has it's own DA which is usually not the way you'd design the hardware. it's more likely that the DA is shared, and since there is only one volume control, that the the split is just at the 3.5mm vs dual 6.5mm jack connection, not before …
  • AUTO just conserves voices/ CPU by acting like MONO but not stopping you from playing chords, so that the track doesn't eat unnecessary CPU when chords are NOT played I'm pretty sure that not playing notes in a dynamic environment always sa…
  • I'm actually less concerned about CPU ( well I am, but not for this thread ) but talking about a very specific voice-stealing algorythm that's present in a large number of synths, and is actually super useful. Does anyone know what AUTO does exac…
  • There's always seems to be this thread about open sourcing code for little boutique developers. unless it's their idea in the first place, there is no point asking.