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  • Take a look at the Arpeggiators in both the MicroMonsta and the Blofeld. Both have programmable Arp modes which are super flexible: Both allow for Note, Pause, Accent, Glide notations in the arp, control over direction, repeating notes, octave sh…
  • Same, for me the advantage is that they are both similar enough in concept that I can jump back and forth, but the Deluge can be taken everywhere, while the Pyramid can drive a shitload of gear, including the Deluge. So hopefully, they'll be besties…
    in Hello! Comment by o0_ June 2018
  • Do you have both a Deluge and a Pyramid, @darenager ?
    in Hello! Comment by o0_ June 2018
  • if you do that you could also color code each of the zones, to make is easier to see than the little lines
  • Yup, so for a single MIDI port device like the Deluge, that means that you can control a single instrument with MPE, but you should be able to drive other instruments internally... Nobody's really figured out how to edit MPE data properly, but I …
  • Hey @bast525 I don't know if you hangout in the Red Means Recording discord server or not, but I also bought a Deluge roughly at the same time as he did. This is how I currently us it / plan to use it. The One Box on the Go That's the primary …
  • yup, specially when you already have a hand on another synths filter control, or even just fist-pumping around. if that doesn't happen, I guess you could mod your deluge to wire a foot controller on the shift button...
  • Should the numbering survive re-ordering the tracks or not? I'm also performance centric ( and recently acquired a Deluge ) and I know that one of the last things I do before a performance is to re-arrange all my tracks/patterns and sequence in a lo…
  • Mmmh. I think the original question/suggestion was the ability to zoom to a point where the entire track may be smaller than a full screen of 16 steps. With the default track length of 1 bar, currently the largest zoom resolution is 16th notes. W…
  • I think flashing the name of the feature briefly on that little LED display would be immensely more useful ( and easier to implement ) than having a blink light mode. Those shortcuts are really not meant to be readable in any kind of normal live per…
    in Lights On Mode Comment by o0_ June 2018
  • +1 one on dotted delay values. those are super useful, and it feels strange to have a delay that has a sync to BPM option but no support for dotted note delay values.
  • I might be more useful if displaying notes on the pads changed when you are in cross-screen mode. For example, being able to differentiate between notes that exist in the current page vs ones that are in different spots on other pages would make tha…
  • BTW, having a "defoult midi input channel" is super useful. That's an option for the Digitakt and the Squarp Pyramid, and allows you to use an external controller on any/all tracks easily and painlessly. If the Deluge had an option for an active-…
  • I agree as well. Color = Pitch makes sense in in the Track view, when you can actually do something about it. It's probably more useful in the song view to use a single color per track, but still use intensity to convey some information, probably pi…
  • @alien_brain said: kits have too many parameters for midi control assignment the way youre suggesting It doesn't matter, because the limitation is on the Midi side. You get 128 CC messages per channel. so if the Kit can only use a single …
  • Specifically I know I can do a series of operations on the current page ( or view? ) which is always exactly 16 steps at whatever zoom level you want, which is a useful way to define a range, but can't be the only way to select more than one note. A…
  • There should be a clock in the machine, it has a CPU, and a battery and a high quality crystal to have a stable OSC range. it would be seriously weird if that thing couldn't emit a simple timestamp.
  • +1 I'll be referencing the Pyramid a lot, since it's my primary sequencer, and got a lot of things right. What's needed: * Shift the entire pattern forward and back in time, and up and down in pitch * Shift a single note in the same way. *…
  • That was the first thing I looked for when I got the deluge... I found it weird that I can see the velocity, but not any other parameter values.
  • I searched and I couldn't see a post in suggestions to that effect. I guess I'll create one?
  • Yes, I know there's immediate and full length, and also read the thread about how muting should keep trails on delays and reverbs, rather than abrubtly cutting the audio stream. Thanks