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  • I'm in the "mute" to make it right - some ideas about to improve the deluge's mute behavior

    There are several suggestions for improving the mute behaviour (see below) and I'd like to build on that:
    I was totally amazed first time I recorded from song to arranger mode and I overused the SHIFT+LAUNCH combination, believing it would give me the most easy way to have a varied arrangement. I switched over to arranger mode and listened to my masterpiece - it sounded good but wait, there was clearly missing something - a quick look into the manual confirmed my premonition: 

    Instant-launch a clip by [SHIFT] + [LAUNCH] will be placed in the arrangement as if it had been played from the start of that loop.

    Okay! But why? It would be a complete gamechanger (at least to me) if mute on/off status would be recorded into arranger view.

    No need for white intances then and no need for 8 different drum tracks if I'd like to skip a little snare here and a kick there. I guess the request is related to automation view or rather automation in general but perhaps there is a way to implement some of the given suggestions:

    1. Has anybody a workaround to record live performance eg mutes into arranger?

    2. Enable mute and launch in keyboard mode?

    3. The option to mute all notes above or below a chosen note in clip view

    4.1 It's impossible to immediately change the mute status with an external controller.
    4.2 It would be crucially great if it was possible to switch the "default" mute behaviour = wait until next loop to change.

    5. It would be nice to have a mute mode that would represent all tracks and kit sounds each with one pad.

  • I'm in the "mute" to make it right - some ideas about to improve the deluge's mute behavior

    "You will have a much better time in general if you dont try to fight with it and play to its strengths" -> So true and very on point. Nevertheless I discovered two weak spots, which are really hard to ignore:


    "I think we should have start position control like ableton, maybe in the next update where they appear to be messing with clip playback." -> I thought they are changing clip playpack, because they are implementing euclidian sequencing. Coming from Live and Push 2, I didn't use the start position control to much. What I really liked were the the clip trigger options.

    "The work around is to use midi loopback and trigger your mutes using a midi track." -> This is something I didn't try yet, are the mutes recorded if I use an external midi device? Would be an acceptable compromise for me.

    "For kits I could see mute groups as described being used." -> Yeah, you're right, this is coming from my hip hop / downbeat perspective. I mainly uses kits for my beats and barely synths. If I play a "synth instrument" it feels more natural to me to play a new pattern instead of using mutes - the exact opposite of what I do with kits or sliced samples.

    "see my suggestion for a song mode overhaul" -> Yeah I've read that one (and some similar suggestions too), but I'm not finally sure, what to think about it. It's true that the Deluge's song mode isn't that useful in it's actual state, especially if you deal with a lot of tracks in a project. But I didn't like Live's "session view" neither. I know it's a key concept of Ableton Live, but it had its weaknesses too - especially if you tried to sequence a whole track in session view. Actually, this is the reason I abandonned Push and moved over to the Deluge.