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  • Hey Andrew, sorry to hear about this error. This comes from the the rsync system utility itself. Have you had a chance to see the output of the suggested command? grep -E 'rsync:|rsync error:' '/Users/andrew/.rsync_tmbackup/2023-09-14-032553.log'…
  • @markymark2 said: Please try issuing this from a command prompt: ".\AppData\Local\deluge_cmd\Deluge Commander.exe" - --reset
  • @alifeinbinary said: In the meantime I've found a better workaround. Get a Roland UM-ONE or something similar and connect it to the Osmose DIN ports and the other end to the USB host on the Deluge. This allows the Deluge to see the Osmose as a si…
  • @Hannes said: ... Not all of the subfolders (after DRUMS) for example, get backup'ed. Is that normal ? I don't think it has something to do wit files being used or not used as it stores files, that definitely are not used.... Hi Ha…
  • Hi @Brak thanks for sharing. I've tried a similar setup that seems pretty accurate, stable and consistent with the instructions by Expressive-e. Here are the differences. * Osmose MIDI Setting -> last MPE channel 14 (as from instructions) *…
  • This post in the official Expressive-e knowledge base should help setting up the Deluge in order to play-back the Osmose: @Brak I'm afraid USB MID…
  • @dannytaurus said: ... Question - is there any way to modify the script so the app quits when the backup is finished? When I try to eject the SD card it always catches me out and I have to manually quit the app! 😆 I've updated the tool…
  • There shouldn't be changes in the SD structure nor in the file formats.. I've delayed my retrofitting by some months because I am in album release mode and I need my Deluge at the moment, so won't be able to check this soon. There's a beta ver…
  • You’re welcome ❤️ I use it all the time myself!
  • Sure! Here's the script: And here's the script that does the actual job: #!/bin/bash BACKUP_SCRIPT=./ INCLUDE_FILE=/tmp/deluge_include.txt SD_PATH=../../.. SD_NAME=$(basename "$…
  • @Door said: Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I just got back to this post and it appears like the moderation has removed the patches I included. I'm going to open a GitHub repo in the next few days where I will include the patches as well as my…
  • @Haila said: Thanks for the kind words! I'll keep tapping away with the goal of getting sample stats and broken sample detection going. Need to spend some time figuring out how to detect and parse the various firmware formats first I'll u…
  • Sure it is! It’s actually developed on a Mac, but haven’t had the chance to upload a build for Mac yet. I’ll do as soon as I have access to my MacBook
  • @Alder_Dice said: I am guessing the new build scans songs and preset folders recursively, to work with the the new firmware? Yes indeed. A quite easy update but some testing is definitely advisable!
  • Hi, would a desktop utility to edit song files by adding bulk MIDI mapping to synth and kit tracks be of any help? (that could work by applying the mapping found on some source song to a destination song..)
  • Owning (or having owned) all of these I'd suggest the Crave: huge sounding analog oscillator and you can do crazy stuff with CV connections. Also consider that Deluge can handle the two input channels separately, so you can connect two mono sound…
  • This script saves only samples referenced in some synth, song or kit
  • I totally agree with you about 50 millions clicks Elektron buttons.. They feel as if an alien civilization discover earth in 100000 years and find a Digitakt, it would still work, and they would have fun pushing that buttons with their 3 fingered ha…
  • Hi, I have this issue with some synthsonly (for example Yamaha MODX, that acts the same with an Akai Force) so I guess is not Deluge related
  • Just bought this pack: amazing sounds... With just one oscillator! I can't find one preset I don't love..
  • @Eddy said: ... I've just seen that they (ASM) put exactly this in a new firmware :-) Saving LOCAL state unfortunately is still available on Deluxe model only. According to ASM this is to protect their after sale support from too ma…
  • @Alder_Dice said: Maybe the Delugist site created by @drbourbon is a good candidate for this? I'd love to see delugist used for that..
  • When connecting MIDI bidirectionally make sure you set "LOCAL" to "OFF" in Hydrasynth's system settings to avoid notes being played twice at the same time from Deluge. Also be aware that Hydrasynth Desktop doesn't store this setting, so you have to …
  • please give this new build a try:
  • @kleinstar said: Hey, I could not find the button on the top left to import deluge library. Hi, this seems an application error. Can you please enable developer mode and send me the log at