Deluge is unique in its ability to give the user freedom of choice how much tracks/instruments/fxs you can use. I love this concept, it is great and simple like if I would work in my daw, no limits besides the limits of hardware itself. But in daw workflow I can see cpu/ram load and predict at least somehow the system overload and at some point decide to optimize composition. I know, that you can resample Deluges output and it really helps in general composing tasks, but what about live? How can I forecast how far can I push Deluge
s resources in live perfomance and avoid glitching? What elements shoul I “freeze” and what can I leave to play with? I never know and it is the reason I simply afraid of using it on the gig. But! If I would see cpu load I could leave a margin of safety. Please vote guys! It is very important for those who plays live. I think it is the last “Achilles` heel” of so beloved by us machine.
Adding a quick freeze/unfreeze should help, where you can temporarily modify a frozen track but once you leave the track view, it plays the frozen audio again.
Korg M1 for deluge
I think about my priorities and guys like me. My business is to write suggestion and hope it will be implemented.