Workflow: What do you put in your templates?

Hello Fellow Deluge People,
Having recently discovered the joys of a powered USB hub and connecting more than one MIDI controller to the Deluge, I now have a lot of questions about tips, tricks, and best practices when it comes to templates (and saving MIDI mappings).
I've read a bunch of disparate threads on MIDI mapping, and I've watched a few videos on templates, but I've yet to find something that pulls these themes together (if there is a good resources on this already, please point me there!).
So, my main question is: What do you tend to put in your default template or templates?
For example:
- Do you map several synth clip row presets to a keyboard controller in advance?
- Then, what MIDI-mappable parameters would you typically already have mapped for a synth clip?
- (And, is there a list somewhere of which parameter are mappable, and which aren't? Hitting a lot of "Can't" messages recently!)
- Might you go ahead and map the individual rows of a kit clip to have their levels controlled by some faders?
- Are there other parameters you'd typically like to have mapped in advanced for a kit's rows?
- What about clip row mutes/unmutes? Other useful "global" parameters like this that are mappable?
- Would you always have an audio clip row with monitoring ready to go for adding something live?
I have no doubt many of you have obsessed over these questions already and might have strong opinions or well-considered template approaches to share.
Many thanks in advance,
"Do you map several synth clip row presets to a keyboard controller in advance?"
Also, drumkit sounds + other kit samples are mapped to midi pads on its own channel, so I can scroll thru kits while keeping the midi pads connected.
"Then, what MIDI-mappable parameters would you typically already have mapped for a synth clip?"
I think there should be a list of mappable parameters, but I can't remember where unfortunately. Parameters that can be automated can be mapped, is a clue.
"Might you go ahead and map the individual rows of a kit clip to have their levels controlled by some faders?" / "Are there other parameters you'd typically like to have mapped in advanced for a kit's rows?"
and also I use hands-on controls of drum sounds' decay.
"What about clip row mutes/unmutes? Other useful "global" parameters like this that are mappable?"
Clip row mutes for quantized-to-beat mutes/unmutes of fundamental preset clips like e.g. drums (this can also be used to activate recording and specifically auto-extending recording of clips, when unmuting clips while Rec is on).
And in addition, kit row mutes for stuff that benefits from instant mute/unmute action (for example the aforementioned dub style stuff).
Mapping midi commands in the settings menu is of course very useful, such as Play/Stop, Loop, Loop Layer, Record, Tap tempo.
But this is global and not per template.
"Would you always have an audio clip row with monitoring ready to go for adding something live?"
I have an audio-thru track set up using the arranger view. Create a track within arranger view by pressing an empty audition pad and making it into an audio track with the same procedure as in song view (hold and press Select knob, then use Learn to select input source). This track is monitoring, and can be quick-muted in arranger view. In other words I turn on monitoring/ audio-thru in arranger view when I need it.
And I keep empty audio clips WITHOUT monitoring (dot) in song view
Another thing I like to keep in my template, song view, is an audio clip set to OUTPut source. I use this to live-loop a clip with internal sounds - drums, percussion, or rhythm instrument - and the length of this loop once created defines the tempo of the song and gets a sequence going.
Later I can also use this OUTP clip, or rather an overdub i.e. new instance of it, to internally resample what's currently playing, and solo it on the fly, which I'll use when playing live to great effect. For example setting the OUTP audio clip Pitch/Speed to Linked instead of the default Independent, and slowing down the tempo of the song which will then also transpose everything.
I might use that to finally slow it all to a crawl and sound like a tape/vinyl stop effect and end the song as such, or I might transition into another song in the key of the new pitch of the transposed resample clip.
Blablabla etcetera
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
Super helpful @Icoustik ! So much to chew on here... 🙏
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
Mine is relatively simple right now:
That's it! I've been trying to use external synth sounds (Micromonsta2) as opposed to the Deluge's synth engine (nothing against it, just experimenting). I have a Nord Drum but I don't have a MIDI box to connect it to the Deluge, so it's only used for audio looping right now. In the past, I set up a kit with 6 learned rows corresponding to the ND pads. I prefer to keep my MIDI keyboard on the same channel as just learn/unlearn as I go.
Interested to see how others use theirs and get some ideas
Me too!
I tested this one by one, see the Parameters tab in my spreadsheet.
@Kenoubi: Epic! Thank you! 🙏
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ