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  • Simple Skip Note

    Right now you can set note iteration dependencies to play for example every 4th bar (or give it a probability of X %). To do that simply hold the pad and turn the select encoder right. It goes up to 8/8bars (so the note would only play in the 8th bar).

    It would be really nice if we could add the option to Skip a note every X bars!

    This is a simple way to create more interesting compositions without having to change the lengths of the loop. For example have one note play every bar except the 4ths but have another note play instead. It is also a feature commonly found in other Sequencers and it's incredibly useful and versatile. It would not need a special menu or shortcut. Simply add the options to the existing menu just after the 8/8 of the regular dependencies.

  • Automation View Mode

    Thanks @seangoodvibes for this amazing feature! This is huge, you did an awesome job!

    I wonder if it would be possible that the automation and the notes could have different clip lengths. What I mean by that is when you are in Automation-View, press shift and turn the left/right encoder the clip lengths changes for both, the automation and the notes. It would be awesome to have the community option to change that behavior so the notes and automation could have independent clip lengths. That way you could create very interesting syncopation for example for Ambient, Techno or procedural generated music.

    Edit: I just found out you can actually already do this with a little workaround. You can simply change the row lengths of the notes. So the actual Clip-Lengths (and therefore the Automation) is still unchanged, but the rows of the Notes have a different lengths, creating syncopation.

    Edit:2 Individual clip lengths for every automation would be incredible. This way you could have for example an automation of the LPF with a lengths of 3/4 and the automation for the Arp-Rate at 5/4. This would mean we could create syncopated automation lanes even on Midi Channels. But I can imagine that his might be incredibly difficult if not impossible to implement and quite performance heavy. Also you can kinda do that via the two LFOs. It just not as intuitive and clearly laid out.