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Minnesota, USA
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Minnesota, USA
  • Will a firmware update improve the internal effects *AND* add multi-export functionality?

    @Lodro said:
    Sorry, one other thing. I actually do agree with the point people make about Open Sourcing the deluge software itself. It's a scary thing for a hardware developer to do because it feels like giving away the family jewels. But in practice, no one is going to try to reimplement a clone of the Deluge. (I hear Behringer knocking on the door, hang on while I go tell them to get lost..) This is what Roger Linn does with the Linnstrument, and I think it works marvellously. A big hidden advantage of that it allows a simple answer: you want that feature, here are the keys to the shop, build it yourself. Which of course, no one actually ever does. Because embedded hardware development is really hard. :smiley:

    I am new here, but having been a software engineer doing embedded development during my now retired working life, I have a thought on this.

    Opening the source code to the community would cause a support nightmare. Folks would be reporting problems that they themselves caused and support therefore has no way to recreate.


  • Charging battery

    Thanks for the info, Reza. I see that you are located in Los Angeles. I grew up in the SF Valley, but left years ago when I went into the Army and settled elsewhere after that.

  • Charging battery


    Having just received my new Deluge, I read that I need to first charge the battery. My question is this,,,

    I am color blind and can't tell the difference between yellow and green (and probably red when the battery is low) on the charging light. Can anyone tell me how long it takes to charge the battery so I can be sure it is fully charged?

    Since we can run off of USB power, I assume it really doesn't matter how long it is plugged in to charge. I suppose I could just charge it overnight.

    Anyway, do you have any guidance on this?

    Thanks and wonderful piece of gear. By the way, this is my first post, so another question - When I select to post (discussion or question), I only have access to the help discussion and not the other categories. What do I need to do to be able to post in other categories?

