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  • Faster SD Card --> Faster Navigating

    Hey y'all. Just wanted to drop this tip in case it's been an issue for anyone else.

    I have thousands of samples on my deluge and scrolling through subfolders and the samples themselves was really quite laggy and kinda driving me nuts. I switched from an SDHC I 90MB/s (read speed) card to a SDHC UHS-II 300 MB/s (read speed) card and now it's lightning fast! I can scroll through the folders and (thank god) the samples instantaneously now.

    Hopefully this helps if anyone else was having this issue!

  • Deluge + Digitakt Users - Program Change Q

    Awesome! Let me know if you run into any issues. Happy to discuss. It's been going pretty well so far.

    Actually, there a some additional notes that I wrote down while working through the process:

    • When using program changes in Arranger Mode, you may also need to have the song's initial clips “armed” in Song Mode in order for the PCs to get sent immediately upon upload of the song file on the Deluge. If those clips are muted in Song Mode, the Digitakt programs won't change until 1 bar after the PC instance placed in Arranger Mode. (This was helpful to figure out while putting together a live set).

    • Digitakt's "Prog Change Receive" option under “MIDI Config” is on a per project basis, not global. So you have to check it for each new project if you want it.

  • Deluge + Digitakt Users - Program Change Q

    For posterity, in case it helps anyone in the future, I did get this working. I'm sending PCs from Deluge to change patterns on the Digitakt. In Arranger mode, I have to make sure I put in an instance of the clip with the appropriate PC 1 bar in advance of where I want it to change. Unfortunately I'm not too sure what was causing the original issue.

  • External Parameter Divisions

    Thanks for the rec! I'm not sure yet how much of a use case this will actually be for me. I was just running through parameters on my Nord 2x and noticed that it's difficult to be precise with parameters that only have a few values. Not really needed for a synth with knobs but I'm also thinking about how to control FX units that don't have knobs. Still working out how to maybe do that with my Digitakt in the MIDI chain.