Amiga909 Multisample Pack Collection for the Deluge
Hi Delugers. I haven't active here since a while. Too busy with work.
I hope the Delugers are still going strong, it is an amazing machine.
Sorry if I did not reply to your questions about my sample packs.
Sorry, if you could not get all of them.
I took some time to assemble all of my sample packs into one big collection and reupload them.
9 sample packs, 9.09$
Product PDF:
Differences to the previous, free downloads:
- 2 new packs: SunVox, VariousAUSynths
- Better quality: up to 3 times more samples per instrument. The limit per instrument increased from 25MB to 80MB.
Actually I was about to release it yesterday before New Years Eve.
Yet I got deluge-ed when testing the sample packs and I got lost into making a new track
All instruments are from the new packs SunVox and VariousAUSynths.
..saw your post on fb ..was going to ask for sample sounds ..did not expect something this nice.
Hi - my download link seems corrupt. Files wont unzip without error and preset missing for SQL8. Can you help?
Hi thys
Thanks for supporting this project.
You wrote you could not unzip the ZIP without errors? The second error (missing presets) seems related to this.
I am not aware of a problem with the ZIP. Seems it worked for the other users (thanks to you all!).
I've sent you a mail via the mail I got from gumroad. Let me know if you did not get my mail. Cheers.
Thanks a lot @thys for the patience.
Solution was opening the ZIP with 7zip
hi I just bought your sound pack form your website but it XML files don't work on my deluge. are there any solutions for this problem? thanks
Hi Yogo, I wrote you a mail for support.
Great stuff Amiga909, got them, gonna replace the free ones when the new firmware coms out.
I bought this pack today and feel robbed it doed not work trying to do charge bac on credit card, tried to email owner back and nothing no replies stay clear of this
How did it not work? Please give some details
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
Update here:
"tried to email owner back and nothing no replies stay clear of this"
I replied to his email within 2 days... He sent me like 10 mails, not a very pleasant experience.
I have refunded the user.
From his screenshot it appears it was a problem with his ZIP software.
Note for other users: if you have problems extracting the ZIP, use
there was no problem withmy zip software you tried to con me and i got my money back not from you so dont come here making out it was not an good experience, dealing with you was the worst
there was no problem withmy zip software you tried to con me and i got my money back not from you so dont come here making out it was not an good experience, dealing with you was the worst> @Icoustik said:
As per everyones else complaint see above they dont work!!!
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