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Offtime for MIDI notes?

xybrexybre Chicago, USAPosts: 15

I noticed that there's an "offtime" setting for adding gaps between triggers when using CV. However, I can't find a similar setting for MIDI, does this exist?


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    EddyEddy Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 292

    I don´t think can nudge the MIDI timing but adding gaps? There are some options in the tcLo (TriggerClock) settings: You can specify IN and OUT to AUTO or PPQN and on pressing PPQN again -I guess- the resolution (not documented in the manual) which works fine on 24 in my MIDI setup.
    Just for interest: What do you need gaps for?

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    xybrexybre Chicago, USAPosts: 15

    I need the gaps because if the notes are right next to each other then it comes out kinda as one long continuous note to my external MIDI-to-CV converter (Expert Sleepers FH-2) so envelopes aren't getting re-triggered.

    Even if the FH-2 could insert a momentary voltage drop between notes, it couldn't predict them ahead of time, so it would mean all subsequent triggers would be slightly delayed. Since the Deluge already has the feature for CV I figured that would be the best place to have it.

    Right now the only workaround is to zoom farther in and ensure there's no note playing before the next one starts. I can zoom way in to turn off the end of the note with less of a time gap to the next one, but this is a pain and can never be as small as the Deluge could do internally (again, like it does for CV).

    Just to fill in what I'm doing, I'm using the 2 internal CV outs of the Deluge, with the 3 and 4 gate doing clock and reset/run. Then I run MIDI over USB from the Deluge into the FH-2 for an additional 8 CV/gate pairs, one pair per channel. This lets me sequence everything I could want from the Deluge.

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    duelinmarkersduelinmarkers Austin TX USPosts: 137

    I just noticed the same issue with the MIDI-to-CV from the cre8audio NIFTYcase. I zoomed as a weak workaround, but it would be wonderful if there were a setting for this.

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    xybrexybre Chicago, USAPosts: 15

    Yeah zooming seems to be the only workaround right now.

    Should this be added to the Suggestions forum? Or someone could ping them on the FB group where they seem most active?

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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by amiga909 on
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    xybrexybre Chicago, USAPosts: 15

    Link doesn't work for me for some reason. But from the title of the link it looks like this is a different feature.

    I'm looking for a global (or per-track) MIDI setting to mirror the CV gate's "offtime" feature already found in the Deluge that sends the note-off message a fraction of a second before sending a note-on message that would immediately follow it in the sequencer.

    The CV/gate section documentation from the manual for reference:

    gate offtime manual screenshot

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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    thanks, I get it now. sorry for the broken link, fixed. btw, u can find it in the top rated suggestions, its one of the most upvoted suggestions ever
    per-track offsets: sorry for being picky, "track" isnt a Deluge term anymore. manual: what we previously referred to as a “track”, we now call a “clip”.

    there is

    afaik the 'mirror the CV gate's "offtime" feature' hasnt been brought up before, so a suggestion thread is surely a good idea.

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    xybrexybre Chicago, USAPosts: 15

    I created a post in the Suggestion forum for this:

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