Set default note length to last touched note
Like the new feature in 2.0 for remembering the last set note velocity, I think it would be nice if the Deluge would remember the last set note length as well!
So when you change the length of a note, any new note added will have the same length. Or when you press and hold an existing note, it will "take over" both its velocity and length.
Of course if you hold down the pad when adding a note, you can still change it like you can now. But this way you don't have to change every note everytime (except when you want notes thar are exactly 1 step long).
This is particularly useful when you want to program a melody with notes on the grid at the current zoom level, but with note lengths of shorter or longer than exactly 1 step of that grid.
It would also be useful for programming chords for pads etc.
I think it just speeds things up a little.
Obviously this should also be set per track.
I dunno why anyone downvoted this but I think it's a good idea and was going to request something similar.
It's really important for sending trigger signals to modular when you want the trigger to be really short but you don't want to be working at 1/64 zoom level or whatever.
Noise, Noodles and Doodles:
I would also like to hear from the guy who downvotes this why he dislikes this idea.
Maybe an even better option would be that you can set this on/off in the settings menu if you don't like it.
I'd like to suggest a minor change to the current last velocity feature: when you click to delete a note, the velocity should not be set to the deleted note. Only when you touch and hold a note, its velocity should be set to the current default velocity.
This way you can easily set a velocity, then replace notes with that velocity by deleting them and again adding notes.
Otherwise, you have to delete a note, then set velocity (by touching another note) and then add. Then repeat this for every note.
Also: it makes much more sense to not "take over" the velocity of a note you are deleting, since you don't delete it because it is a correct note.