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Does Deluge recognize wav files with embedded sustain loop settings?
Mainz, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 70
in Deluge Help
I'm a new Deluge user and as far as I understand there is no option to loop a part of a sample. So, the possibility to import wav or aif files with embedded loop settings would be a nice to have.
There are all kinds of options to loop parts of a sample. Start and end time settings. Sample behavior options of once, cut, loop, or stretch. Resample the part of the sample you set start and end times on, etc.
Not sure why you’d need embedded info for that.
There are a ton of tutorial videos out on functions and the manual is pretty good. Manual makes more sense along with videos explaining things, but lots of material.
And what software embeds loop points in a wav or aif file? I don’t use a PC or Mac and my previous experience with Ableton, Sonar, Nuendo, Cubase, FL Studio, etc never embedded info into the file - it used an associative secondary file
Does it actually embed it or create a settings change in another file to note it? Can you run an md5 hash on the file and still match the original?
Some samplers can read varying proprietary sample formats that have embedded loop points or other information as in the case of an Akai sampler having specific sample format that a Roland sampler might be able to read, but that changes the file type. Multisamplers use embedded files for this type of thing, but they are not wav files anymore and not universal. Ableton, Audition, etc can use a different associative file to load up a wav and set loop points automatically, but that wav file is still just a wav file. You could run an md5 hash on the file before and after and it will still match.
My understanding is that loop points are part of the wav format standard. Loop point information can be embedded in and read from an ordinary wav file. There is a sampler chunk- a manufacturer can be specified, I believe, but doesn’t have to be. Logic can create wav files with embedded loop point information, most wav editors can as well. It’s actually kind of old tech, it seems like a concept that was forgotten amidst the tide of kontakt libraries, when sampling became associated with large “authentic” libraries and round robin, etc.
Mm. That sounds like it could be bad if you have wav files that you may have been given that someone else embedded loop points into and still shows a plain wav.
Hopefully the set them right
Been awhile since I used Soundforge, but I remember Acidized wav files that helped Acid Pro in their stretching algorithm. Must have been embedded. Not sure though if their is a Universal reader of loop points. I would think that some software throws a proprietary marker in