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Zooming out for the whole new world of possibilities


How about zooming out up to "1th" or even deeper. So each cell represents the whole pattern length?
Then I can:
1. Easily enter very long notes
2. Lets imagine performance mode like in Ableton Live, where I can activate / deactivate cells from different time positions. Select loops and positions for each track separately (using 2 fingers)?
3. Directly navigate to desired song position, copy/move/clear the whole patterns (each represented by a single cell now) in song mode?

Deluge just arrived. I spent a few hours with this and I'm in love... UX is great, but I'm getting lost, when song gets longer. I miss performance features.


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    gikugiku PolandPosts: 9
    edited April 2018
    1. I can see entire song structure (dimmed cells = empty tracks in patterns). e.g. I can see when drum or bass section starts. Then I tap on the column to navigate anywhere.
      4b. I press learn, then select rectangular area of entire song using 2 fingers - to copy / paste or clear :)

    I can imagine how would this change/improve this machine.

    Post edited by giku on
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    PhilPhil MontréalBeta Tester Posts: 105
    edited May 2018

    With one page in the 1th zoom level, I could enter a chord progression of 16 bars. I bought thinking it could do that.
    There is a workaround: shift + <>knob double the length of track and put it all on one screen which go even further than 1th.

    Post edited by Phil on
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