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Tempo Automation
Los Angeles CA & Charlotte NCPosts: 2
Pretty self explanatory - I know that there are features that allow for things like double time and half time easily, but I tend to do uneven tempo changes - also with this it would be really rad to have this in a way that would allow for ‘gradient’ changes (accelerando from 60 to 80 over the course of X # or bars
+1 for tempo automation! I have a Deluge on the way (hooray!) and this is something I would really like to be able to do.
It was a tough choice between the Deluge and the Pyramid and this was a point in favour of the Pyramid - but at the end of the day I think workflow and independence are the most important things and it was clear from all the videos I watched that the Deluge is much more intuitive and inspiring for me.
From my perspective the only things lacking from the Deluge that the Pyramid has (as far as I can tell from what I've found online) are tempo automation and some sort of 'humanise' feature (randomly nudge all notes in a track slightly off the grid - apologies if this already exists but I haven't found it so far).
OTOH the workflow/interface and standalone nature (internal sound engine) are killer features that tipped the balance to the Deluge for me. The ability to just take it anywhere with no other equipment besides a pair of headphones and create music sealed the deal. Sure, I could do that with a laptop but that comes with it's own problems - let's just say I really don't want to.
So, right now I think the Deluge is the best available option for me, but if the two features mentioned above could be added it would be 'perfect'.
+1 for tempo automation. I have a Deluge on the way (hooray!) and this is something I would really like to be able to do.
It was a tough choice between the Deluge and the Pyramid and this was a point in favour of the Pyramid - but at the end of the day I think workflow is the most important think and it was clear from all the videos I watched that the Deluge is much more intuitive and inspiring for me.
From my perspective the only things lacking from the Deluge that the Pyramid has (as far as I can tell from what I've found online) are tempo automation and some sort of 'humanise' feature (randomly nudge all notes in a track slightly off the grid). OTOH the workflow/interface and standalone nature (internal sound engine) are killer features that tipped the balance to the Deluge for me. The ability to just take it anywhere with no other equipment besides a pair of headphones
Didn't mean to post twice - sorry - newbie mistake, and now it won't let me delete the second post. Could a moderator remove it, please?
There are some more requests for automation e.g.
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
Cross Reference
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin