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Rename your stuff with the internal mic !!!
BarcelonaPosts: 25
Due the lack of a system for rename your projects, kits, presets... I suggest this feature:
- When saving your stuff, press at the same tame the record button and speak to the mic, saying the name of what are u renaming. This will be recorded and when u scroll through your songs (for examlple) you will listen your voice note.
This can win the record guiness of the fastest system of naming stuff in a hardware instrument... LOL
have to say it is a creative idea
dont think audio notes are practical though. maybe if there was speech-to-text and and a grid display of the recorded text. eventually overkill
So weird, I actually came up with an idea to record myself giving a quick description of what's in each of my sample folders, name it "1" so it shows up first and previews every time I enter the folder. lol
you could enter a letter based name with the wheel, just as we've done on electribes for years.
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