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Adjusting Default Velocity on Tracks

I see that the default velocity is 64. Possibly could it be changed with a shift + knob command? Otherwise we are stuck entering in 64 velocity and would have to change it manually every note we enter....
As stated in manual you can select multiple notes and turn the <> knob to change velocity. First I was upset about default 64 but the more you use it the better it gets...
a) you can go both directions +
b) the cross screen function works on velocity too.
However there is a small bug.
When the pads are white meaning more notes hidden under you cannot change the velocity for those at once.
If you click the white pad you WILL erase all the notes hidden under that white pad. I hope they will fix this soon.
Also the second annoyance is that when you are changing velocity of more than one note ( yes you can select a few notes using all your fingers) then if one note reaches the max or min velocity value you WILL NOT be able to move behind that point.
With multiple notes with different velocity selected, all notes should end up zero if you go down with velocity or max if you go up. With the current firmware display shows “less” or something like that when ONE of the selected notes reaches velocity zero. Or max in the opposite direction.
Both of these are solved on the Pyramid sequencer (FR) also double click on pad of the pyramid sequencer changes the velocity to half of the value
Hope this helps
I understand about that but velocity acts differently depending on the gear, some I want to be able to start at whatever value i tell it, and be able to change that easily when adding different notes. Kind of like setting the velocity before entering a note.
understand when you use external gear.. most of the drum machines like velocity of 100, but deluge play very nice with velocity of 64 .
Yes. I have made another suggestion in regards to velocity that would make things "better"
Perhaps velocity default could be linked to things such as midi channel or per track. It can get annoying fast to have to modify every single drum beat to compensate for volume when I want it at full every hit
Yeah this default 64 is killin me. I am triggering extermal drums and it is really not good !!!
I just realized I have some midi velocity scale vst's ... I'll just use those for the time being
My suggestion on the FB group was for the Deluge to 'remember' the last velocity you dialled in. Then maybe upon exiting Track mode it could be reset to 64.
Just ran into this today and yes. I totally agree with the above..
fwiw, pretty much every other piece of hw and software sequencing gear I know will have a default velocity of 100.. so this 64 is an outlier quirk
I do not mind if the default is a global setting, but pls give access to it,... but this is a significant midi sequencing issue as the tonality of every expressive patch is just wrong with a velocity of 64 from the deluge.. and requires non-fun editing to suit.
I think this behaviour has changed in firmware 2,0 and the last velocity value you entered is retained as default
Would be cool to be able to fix all note velocity on a row of pad... like you press the audition pad on a row and turn the velocity down/up for all the notes on that row...