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pitch keys

lobitlobit canadaPosts: 12
edited February 20 in Open Source

Im not sure how many people like to use deluge from a master controller, I have been (with the midi follow features) and its been great, one idea I had, which isn't original but comes from the SP1200, would be something called pitch keys, where if you were triggering drum hits from an external keyboard controller, if you were to hit a modifier to 'select' a certain drum element, then you could temporarily play that sound multi pitched across the keyboard. its really handy theres at least a couple of vintage drum samplers that do it and made me think to suggest/ post it here.


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    lobitlobit canadaPosts: 12

    I think if I recall in fact the way its implemented in the old machines is you don't actually have to select the sound to pitch, its done with ranges on the keyboard so say the lower range will play the sound, and the upper range might modify its playback pitch. couple different ways to go about it.

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