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Fill Mode for Clips

rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 628
edited October 2023 in Open Source

Merged with Community firmware !

This feature's implementation started with @0beron
GitHub Documentation

Fill Mode for Clips

An additional launch behavior which, when triggered, will play through a Fill Clip once at the end of a section and turn off afterwards.

Discuss this feature, provide video/audio examples, etc.

Post edited by reza on


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    luis_costaluis_costa PortugalBeta Tester Posts: 28

    Hi! Are there any plans to add a "not fill" trigger? That would be super useful!

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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 628

    @luis_costa isnt 'not fill' just a regular clip launch? what type of behavior are you expecting with that?

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    luis_costaluis_costa PortugalBeta Tester Posts: 28

    @reza said:
    @luis_costa isnt 'not fill' just a regular clip launch? what type of behavior are you expecting with that?

    My apologies, I just realized I posted in the wrong topic: I was referring to the triggers "fill" condition and not to the fill clips.

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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 628

    no worries! is your idea so when fill is triggered those notes won't play? could be neat!

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    luis_costaluis_costa PortugalBeta Tester Posts: 28

    @reza said:
    no worries! is your idea so when fill is triggered those notes won't play? could be neat!

    Precisely, it's super useful for muting certain notes on the fly, without having to mute the whole clip!

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