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Pitch to Voltage?


hello! i'm looking for a way to convert live audio to CV. I want run the sound effects from my Atari Pong into the Deluge, convert the audio into CV, and use that to control a few Volcas- as the game is played live. Sort of a variable tempo thing that'd match the speed of the game, hopefully. And ideally, a solution that'd let me run the Pong audio through the Deluge's Line In, so I could mess with the sound AND use it as a clock for the Volcas.
My thought would be to use a 3.5 splitter to send the Pong audio into the Deluge's Clock In, and also into the Line In. I'm a modular beginner though, so I'm wary to mess around before checking with the experts.
Is this a possibility, and if not, is there some gizmo out there that'd work for this? thanks!

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