Hi from a new Member and some hints
Hi, I am a new Forum Member and an happy Deluge User. First of all I want to thanks the company for such a great piece of Gear. I really don't know if this is the correct place for that. And that brings me to some strange facts I discovered when a I am joined the forum.
It seems that ALL kinds of topics are spread over all Categories! I am completely lost where I have to put technical questions, usability questions, open bugs (because in the beta Forum its also really chaotic imo) etc etc.....
I don't see any topic rules in the forum categories (okay they should self explained, but....)
Maybe I should mention that I am an professional C++/Java Software Engineer and Software Business Architect (Usecase Analyst and Consultant).
My first specific question is:
Why Bugs are collected in a Forum? Okay if they come from the normal user side, there should be a Category Bugs, that's it! But I see Bugs Bugs Bugs everywhere in every forum. That absolute shocked me because so there isn't any chance to see if a bug is mentioned allread or not.
But for sure reporting Bugs in the Beta Tester Forum its totally confusing! Beta Tester at least should use Bug Reporting Tools (Bugzilla, Jira, or at least Github or Bitbucket). A forum don't give Betatester enough Informations to place correct Bugreports at the correct place. Nor has a Forum the needed reporting and search tools for this job. By the way, this would also be the correct place for feature request, but I read that you don't interested in such kind of usefull support anyway.
So what do you think to open a Bug Reporting tool for Beta Tester and enjoy the World in a way all Software Companies are doing this for decades? Easier for Tester, Easier for you and proven from hundreds of thousands Engineers and testers before.
Greats and thank so much