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New Zealand Tui Drum Kit Samples


Hey everyone! I made this goofy drum kit based on some free samples of the Tui, New Zealand's most vocally flexible bird! Just load up the samples as a kit on your Deluge and start jamming!


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    sven_blobsven_blob France Beta Tester Posts: 155

    :) Cool thx, will try

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    WiegrafWiegraf Beta Tester Posts: 9

    @sven_blob said:
    :) Cool thx, will try

    Hey no worries! The Tui is an amazing bird so they have lots of percussive potential!

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    MatthewGeorgeMatthewGeorge Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 247

    Bro. Nice one. I'm a former Wellingtonian and miss those cheeky fuckers. 😂
    Got a link to the free samples?

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    Affectionate_Bee_781Affectionate_Bee_781 United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 112

    thanks! My first go with them :) all percussion except the bass & snare sounds

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    albuquerq_reuelalbuquerq_reuel BrasilPosts: 10

    pretty interesting, was the rest of the album made on the deluge too?

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    Affectionate_Bee_781Affectionate_Bee_781 United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 112

    Hey @albuquerq_reuel :) yes! All done on the Deluge for "Jamuary" (of course, used samples and external piano & guitar .. but the magic & glue happened in the Deluge) happy to answer any questions

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    albuquerq_reuelalbuquerq_reuel BrasilPosts: 10

    i think the deluge is great for generating ideas with its internal sounds, but using custom samples gives the music such a personal quality, feels a lot like a sonic sketchpad or a diary, since the workflow is so fast.

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    MarchanderMarchander Vancouver, BCBeta Tester Posts: 2

    These sound great. Thank you!

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    cassbob2cassbob2 belgiumPosts: 10

    @Marchander said:
    These sound great. Thank you!

    Is it necessary to constantly bump old topics? It's very annoying when looking for new content.

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    hexagon5unhexagon5un MunichBeta Tester Posts: 121

    @cassbob2 said:

    @Marchander said:
    These sound great. Thank you!

    Is it necessary to constantly bump old topics? It's very annoying when looking for new content.

    Bah! I missed this one when it first came out, and I'm stoked to see it now. Thanks for bumping it. :smile:

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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017

    @cassbob2 said:

    @Marchander said:
    These sound great. Thank you!

    Is it necessary to constantly bump old topics? It's very annoying when looking for new content.

    Yes, its necessary :) Hexagon5un above: "Bah! I missed this one when it first came out, and I'm stoked to see it now. Thanks for bumping it"

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 680

    @cassbob2 said:
    Is it necessary to constantly bump old topics? It's very annoying when looking for new content.

    any thread related to content/resources for the deluge should be expected to receive bumps. not only for discoverability for new users, but also for making sure compatibility is still maintained with new firmware, receiving new links if download locations change, and for overall feedback on the given resource.

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    nabendnabend Posts: 13

    sorry, but the "discoverability for new users"-reason to justify a thread bump is bollocks. for every thread that goes up / comes into sight another one goes down / out of sight. even worse, some people may find it attracting to add more or less random comments b/c they find this particular topic more important than others. i think the "voting" feature is a good compromise.

    imagine i would leave a comment with all my insignificant thoughts on the web!

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    cassbob2cassbob2 belgiumPosts: 10
    edited January 2024

    @nabend said:
    sorry, but the "discoverability for new users"-reason to justify a thread bump is bollocks. for every thread that goes up / comes into sight another one goes down / out of sight. even worse, some people may find it attracting to add more or less random comments b/c they find this particular topic more important than others. i think the "voting" feature is a good compromise.

    imagine i would leave a comment with all my insignificant thoughts on the web!

    I completely agree, it's extremely annoying to always come across the same topics, especially when they often contribute nothing meaningful! It's as if people are incapable of scrolling. But people prefer to bump anything and downvote when you point it out.

    Post edited by cassbob2 on
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