Two questions about sidechaining
Hi guys,
new to the club and pleased to make your acquaintance. :-)
I'm still reading the manual and looking up some videos. And I also started a bit exploring for myself.
So, in case my answers might be within the manual, feel free to give me a RTFM.
So, my preferred workflow would be:
- Control TR-8S via Deluge and use it's BD as trigger for sidechain (or a silent Kit-BD)
- Also control the volume of other external synths with the sidechain
Now here's the situation:
I'm controlling a Roland TR-8S (MIDI-Implementation Chart) via MIDI from the Deluge. Afaik the TR-8S does not own a iteration feature. The Deluge will come in pretty handy.
I changed the note numbers for testing. Works fine.
I.e.: BD = C1, SD = C#1, etc.
An here are the questions:
1. Can I use a MIDI-note as a trigger for sidechain (I.e. C1 on my MIDI-track for the TR-8S)?
Or would you consider creating a silent Kit?
2. Can I sidechain to the Volume of MIDI-tracks?
Maybe by targeting sub banks (on MIDI-tracks), or something like that?
The trigger can also be a KD on a silent Kit.
If I my describtion lags of something, please let me know.
Kind regards and thanks in advance for your answers!
You can only send sidechain trigger from kit rows, so a silent kit/row is your best bet.
You cannot apply the sidechain effect to a MIDI channel. But you can feed the audio from your external synth back into the Deluge on an audio track and sidechain that. That’s what I typically do.
thanks for your reply.
And what about MIDI CC automation or triggering?
kind regards,
well... kind of. Not really as sidechain then, but using a specific triggering method for specific MIDI CC. I don't know, if this would be considered sidechain as well.
Auto Cc Recording might be a way as well, yeah.
Anyway. I think my question has been answered.
I'd love to see something like this in the future, since the Deluge seems to be such a sequencing powerhouse.
But for now, I can work with this.
I'll continue learning and exploring.
Thanks a lot!
Maybe step automation of CC would get what you’re after?
Happy to help!
yes. That would describe it.
But my understanding from your words is, that it's not possible.
Only by recording the use of parameter control knobs.
On second thought: I still can record rising the volume (via MIDI CC) it on a slower BPM rate. That would work as well plus it probably would sound a little like sidechain.
I just found a video about it:
Kind regards,
You can sequence step automation tho. Simply hold a note and turn the gold knob to trigger a cc value at only that event
But then the automation would jump. So, to me this is no solution.
Recording the movement on a slower BPM would be a way.
Additionally, it came to my mind, that I can create a sample from the synth I wish to sidechain and work with this sample. Thanks to you mentioning to route the audio into the Deluge.
But still, it would be pretty cool, to just send/ change MIDI CC on a sidechain way (raising the CC for volume on channel X at rate Y from 0-127).
Are the subbanks even meant for this?
I couldn't find the subject at the index. But it probably can be found under the MIDI-Topics.
Kind regards and have a good one,