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Two questions about sidechaining

LightyearLightyear GermanyPosts: 28

Hi guys,

new to the club and pleased to make your acquaintance. :-)

I'm still reading the manual and looking up some videos. And I also started a bit exploring for myself.
So, in case my answers might be within the manual, feel free to give me a RTFM.

So, my preferred workflow would be:

  • Control TR-8S via Deluge and use it's BD as trigger for sidechain (or a silent Kit-BD)
  • Also control the volume of other external synths with the sidechain

Now here's the situation:
I'm controlling a Roland TR-8S (MIDI-Implementation Chart) via MIDI from the Deluge. Afaik the TR-8S does not own a iteration feature. The Deluge will come in pretty handy.

I changed the note numbers for testing. Works fine.
I.e.: BD = C1, SD = C#1, etc.

An here are the questions:

1. Can I use a MIDI-note as a trigger for sidechain (I.e. C1 on my MIDI-track for the TR-8S)?
Or would you consider creating a silent Kit?

2. Can I sidechain to the Volume of MIDI-tracks?
Maybe by targeting sub banks (on MIDI-tracks), or something like that?
The trigger can also be a KD on a silent Kit.

If I my describtion lags of something, please let me know.

Kind regards and thanks in advance for your answers!


Best Answer

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USAPosts: 993
    Answer ✓

    In terms of sidechain? No, Sidechain is only applied to the synth/sampling engine.

    You can automate MIDI CC using the gold knobs


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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    You can only send sidechain trigger from kit rows, so a silent kit/row is your best bet.

    You cannot apply the sidechain effect to a MIDI channel. But you can feed the audio from your external synth back into the Deluge on an audio track and sidechain that. That’s what I typically do.

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    LightyearLightyear GermanyPosts: 28

    @Too_Mere said:
    You can only send sidechain trigger from kit rows, so a silent kit/row is your best bet.

    You cannot apply the sidechain effect to a MIDI channel. But you can feed the audio from your external synth back into the Deluge on an audio track and sidechain that. That’s what I typically do.


    thanks for your reply.

    And what about MIDI CC automation or triggering?

    kind regards,


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    LightyearLightyear GermanyPosts: 28


    @Too_Mere said:
    In terms of sidechain?


    well... kind of. Not really as sidechain then, but using a specific triggering method for specific MIDI CC. I don't know, if this would be considered sidechain as well.

    Auto Cc Recording might be a way as well, yeah.

    Anyway. I think my question has been answered.

    I'd love to see something like this in the future, since the Deluge seems to be such a sequencing powerhouse.

    But for now, I can work with this. :)
    I'll continue learning and exploring.

    Thanks a lot!


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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    Maybe step automation of CC would get what you’re after?

    Happy to help! :)

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    LightyearLightyear GermanyPosts: 28

    @Too_Mere said:
    Maybe step automation of CC would get what you’re after?

    Happy to help! :)


    yes. That would describe it.

    But my understanding from your words is, that it's not possible.
    Only by recording the use of parameter control knobs.

    On second thought: I still can record rising the volume (via MIDI CC) it on a slower BPM rate. That would work as well plus it probably would sound a little like sidechain.

    I just found a video about it:

    Kind regards,


  • 0
    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    You can sequence step automation tho. Simply hold a note and turn the gold knob to trigger a cc value at only that event

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    LightyearLightyear GermanyPosts: 28

    @Too_Mere said:
    You can sequence step automation tho. Simply hold a note and turn the gold knob to trigger a CC value at only that event


    But then the automation would jump. So, to me this is no solution.
    Recording the movement on a slower BPM would be a way.

    Additionally, it came to my mind, that I can create a sample from the synth I wish to sidechain and work with this sample. Thanks to you mentioning to route the audio into the Deluge.

    But still, it would be pretty cool, to just send/ change MIDI CC on a sidechain way (raising the CC for volume on channel X at rate Y from 0-127).

    Are the subbanks even meant for this?
    I couldn't find the subject at the index. But it probably can be found under the MIDI-Topics.

    Kind regards and have a good one,


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