Connect a hw processor unit - setup

So I am connecting a RMX500 'send' effect to Deluge (with some instant Shpongle;) and here's what I have established:
1. connect its out to D's line in
2. connect D's audio out to delay's ins
3. in Deluge, create an audio track while in song mode
4. set track input to balanced, with a dot meaning audition
I am hearing Deluge via headphones but not via its speaker when cans are disconnected. What to do about it? I feel very comfortable with the on-board speaker, so it would be good to keep this as an option when outboard hw is connected.
I am getting both the dry and wet sound, but volume is tricky to tame, with some Marshall-amp-like feedback sounds, musical but keeping me alert. how do you control the level of signal?
Ideally, only some of the synth and kit tracks would send to audio out, say, all less drums. Is it possible?
How to alternate between resampling just the processed signal coming back and resampling the whole thing?
The connections you’re describing are causing a feedback loop. To avoid this and separate the processed signal from the output, you’ll have to take advantage of the two inputs and outputs. Hard pan everything to one side and the signal you want to process to the other side. Then setup an audio clip to receive the processed signal and pan that along with everything else, not the dry signal.
The built in speaker only works if no headphones or outputs are connected.
Thanks for your reply. I think I got lost somewhere.
It would be good to get this step-by-step.
This will be based on an assumption that there is one instrumental and one drum track and only the former should go through the processor.
So the steps are:
connect with a mono Processor's output right Deluge's Line In. The signal should be on right channel only
in song mode,
create a kit track, a synth track and an audio track (press and hold first empty row and press Select knob)
Get into synth track
Get into kit track
With this setup unprocessed drums are in left channel and processed synth is in the right channel, with Wet level to be controlled within the Processor
Is this correct? I am still getting feedback sound so something may not be accurate.
I chose right channel out because in case of left, both would be mixed into mono.
The return into Deluge might be in stereo in case the processor pingpongs or otherwise mixes into stereo, because the divide is no longer needed. In this case a stereo cable of some sort could go into Deluge's Line In.
Are these conclusions and reasoning correct?
If you’re sending out the R channel you’ll need to bring it back in on the L channel, especially if you have monitoring on.
You can also avoid summing to mono on L channel as long as you have something plugged into the R output or if headphones are plugged into the headphone jack.
Oh biggest thing is that you need the audio channel with the effects panned hard L
Okay, so it turns out that output being all Right, the mono cable needs to go into effect's Left in and leave with Left Out. Then the best setting for audio track is stereo with feedback. Still, it is stereo mixture of Left in and Right silence, if I am not mistaken.
Thanks for your help so far.
Is there a way to have a stereo processor audible in both left and right channel without resulting in feedback? This would require synth sound to only go out but not directly to master.
No settings without feedback worked, which seems justified by the fact that this is for auditioning when not recording.
Now I can see that I missed this part panning audio in in the wrong place - this needs being hard-left in the master section - not in the reverb section.
Okay, so we have drums in channel left, synths' Right channel in both left and right (because this processor works as an insert effect actually), and processed synths' sound in left channel.
Is this how good it gets?
What is the simplest solution enabling 1) divide between processed and unprocessed and 2) having all in stereo, or at least 3) having processed sound in stereo? I mean for composing this is more than adequate because I use a single minirig with Deluge anyway.
I can think of two:
1. a 4*4 mixer (1, 2 and 3)
2. a send processor (2)
There is no way to have all in stereo while the insert is being used or a feedback loop will be created.
You could however record the effect in stereo if you set up the audio track to be stereo but not monitored. You could then set up a separate audio track, not for recording but just monitoring in mono, would have to be hard panned left.
Obviously this won’t help for life purposes. But it would enable you to record the effect in stereo for composition.
Okay, thank you for your help. I have DAW thinking habits, I have realised. For uncompromised stereo, the device would need 2 pairs of stereo outs (and processor would need send funcitonality). Then it would be more complex, more expensive and less portable
Indeed it would be. No problem 👍🏼