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Reloading a preset or updating a synth/kit to the song



Deluge saves all the synth and kit data to the song. This means that if you edit the synths or kits elsewhere (like in Deluageator :) ) the changes don't transfer to songs using the synths/kits. This is a good thing and a bad thing.

Now how to reload the original or modified preset to song. I found two ways.

First: Clone

  1. Copy the clip with the synth/kit you want to refresh in song view
  2. Open the copied clip
  3. Click LOAD + SYNTH or LOAD+KIT
  4. Select quickly another synth/kit and then go back to original synth/kit
  5. Press LOAD and text 'Clon' appers
  6. Press LOAD
  7. The row is now has a new copy of the original synth/kit (not the synth/kit on the song) with a new name (12->12A)
  8. Delete the original clip
  9. Change the new clip to back correct section and position it to the original position



  1. Load a song
  2. Select the clip with the synth/kit you want to refresh
  3. Change the synth/kit something else, preferable with the same number of rows (kits) so you don't lose anything.
  4. Save the song
  5. Load a different song
  6. Load back the original song
  7. Select the clip with the synth/kit you changed
  8. Changed it to the refreshed synth/kit
  9. Now it reloads the synth/kit with preset settings
  10. Save the song

Both are rather tedious, you have to do it for each part. Second one is slower but keeps the names intact.

Don't know actually what will happen to automation in either case, should test that also.

I wish there was an easier way, really, but at least there were the ways I figured out. Room for a feature here.

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