Song view Repeat/Share
Hi, I having trouble wrapping my head around the repeat mode in song-view. You have the ability to repeat clips a certain amount of time by holding down the audition pad and then turning the selection knob to the the right. F.e if you set the blue group to 4, all of the blue clips play 4 times and then it switches to the next group.
So here's my problem. I have some clips of that I always want to be playing in the background (f.e. atmo-samples etc) and to save on CPU it's redundant to copy them to every single group. There is the possibility to set a clip to "share" (by turning the selection knob to the left) and according to the guidebook they should be "sharing the launch status". So I guess they should always play in the background but they just don't. If I unmute a clip set to share and press play any repeat counter is just ignored.
How can I have shared clips that always play in the background while other clips are looped the amount of time set in the repeat counter?
Also is there a way to loop back to the first group once last group has reached its end? This would be really helpful for generative ambience tracks.
I’m afraid you have the idea of the share option backwards.
If you have a section set to share, it will not mute other sections when it is launched. It will however still get muted when section not set to share are launched.
If the last section is set for a defined number of loops, playback will end afterwards.
Ahh.. got it, thanks for the reply.
So as far as I understand there is just no way of having clips loop indefinitely in the background while also having other clips play their set amount of repeats, bummer.
I would simply duplicate that clip to other sections. I’m not certain, but I don’t think it’ll take up extra CPU because those clips would be sharing the same kit and samples that already exist in the song.
You're right - i just tried it and could duplicate tracks without loosing much if any performance. There is stuttering and lost voices when copying clips with samples that trigger randomly (and have different track lenghts + ping-pong enabled).. but restarting playback seems to fix it and it seems to be stable.
It would still be a very useful feature to have. Long samples and synth parts can't be used very well with repeats right now. They screw with the repeat counter (f.e. if you have a 5 min ambiance field recording in a clip, the whole 5 minutes would have to play for it to count as one repeat).
For anyone having the same issue:
I played around with it and found a neat workaround. Create a new Kit and navigate to the long sample you want to have as background ambiance. Press and hold the select knob - choose slice. Then choose the number of slices. For example 20. The long sample will be chopped into 20 equally long parts and placed in the kit. This clip can have any length you want. It seems that this has little to none performance impact since it's all one sample (correct me if I am wrong). So now you can just play it sequentially (by muting/unmuting in the next group).. or do something like triggering the parts randomly. For example if you chopped it to 20 parts you place a step on every first note, turn it's percentage chance to 5 and now only one of these parts will be triggered every time. Just adjust the attack and decay to avoid weird chops.
One more thing.. if you want to adjust all of the 20 parts at once (for example changing them from "cut" to "once") just hold the "Affect Entire" button while making an adjustment (it will blink)