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What has changed in the Song XML files after the firmware update to version 4?

Wolf_TWolf_T SpainPosts: 39

Regarding the downrush software and other third party tools:

I'm using it to convert midi to xml and to view songs (xml).

However, sometimes when I try to open a song I get a java script error message.

It seems that the error message only occurs when opening songs created with the new firmware 4.

I would like to be able to understand this.

Here is my question:

What has changed in the Song XML files after the firmware update to version 4?



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    djAziddjAzid AmsterdamPosts: 204

    From what I can see on my end, some things have been changed, like 'kit presetSlot' which was for V3. as V4 uses 'sound presetSlot' instead. And V4 uses 'kit presetName' / 'presetFolder', which V3 didn't had. There might be some more changes though.

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