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is there a way to reset parameterized effects to original preset values?
Goin nomadBeta Tester Posts: 16
for example, in a new song, keep the default clip with its preset of 0
and increase upper rotary for cutoff to full. rotate select rotary to a the next preset 1
, then rotate back again to 0
.. note that the increased cutoff is remembered. i'd like a way to return to a preset's 'pristine' state.
why i want this: it's possible to get a preset to an unusable or undesirable state from recklessly fun parametrized effects. i notice this is particularly problematic with custom presets like the boards of deluge series.
what i'd like, one of the following:
- when rotating UR/LR, the four LEDs indicate in some fashion when they are at the preset's originally configured value
- the existing shortcut that removes automations (shift + UR/LR) to also return a preset to its original parameterized values
- or a distinct shortcut (shift + UR/LR offers a menu to select which or both to return to pristine)
workarounds (preventative):
- it's possible to clone a clip and keeping all recklessness behavior to the copy, but aside from being unfun to always be cloning for a safe return point, it's something you may not think of until the problem occurs.
workarounds after the fact:
- save song, load a new song, load a clip with that preset and inspect all of the original values for the parametrized effects.
- inspect the song xml for its modifications perhaps?
some discussion on the discord:
Post edited by tomtobblestop on
After messing with a patch you can restore its preset parameters by cloning it. This does indeed work after the fact.
Just press load + synth within the clip you’ve messed with. Then hold load to get clone and then press once more to restore the preset in the form of a clone.
Thanks @Too_Mere ... I can confirm your steps achieve want I'm asking for.
I find this workflow both mechanically and conceptually awkward. Mechanically because it requires pressing 'load' three times in three ways (chorded, held, and pressed). Conceptually because while it makes sense to me that clips can be cloned, but less so for presets identified with an 'A' suffix which do not exist on the SD card. I imagine there are other use cases where this is powerful, but it would be simpler to have the a feature to restore preset parameters without cloning much as we can for automations. And the less we have 'hold' interactions the better.
I see that the behavior you're describing is documented in Song View on page 144 of the official guide, as well as a Clone Preset item in the community guide.
That’s the current process for loading a preset that already exists in a song. The song itself saves a version of the preset in its current state which I do often find super helpful. I’m actually glad it’s not easy to accidentally reset and lose progress on a patch.
Also you can rename the track/instrument whatever you like in arranger view without affecting the preset on the SD card.
That's kind of the challenge here. That's not what I'm trying to do. When I get to a bad state I'm thinking 'get back to safety', I don't think 'let's clone the preset' because I want to 'go back'. I've had songs that I've reconstructed because I wasn't able to identify what parameter got the preset into a bad state. In one case I reconstructed only to do it again, and abandoned.
I'm glad to know there's an escape hatch and appreciate your help, but I think we can do better to avoid this pain point for novice exploration of the Deluge by providing a flow closer to the 'undo' and documented better. I agree it's important to avoid accidentally resetting parameters, but I think there's a mitigation that would suffice, i.e. messaging 'conf' or 'sure'. I'd like that for even the automation deletion action that already exists.