Wavetable creation tools
I thought it'd be a good idea to have an index that includes all currently known tools for wavetable creation.
Wavetable stuff:
wave edit is the OG but has a max of 256 samples per wavetable cycle.
this version of wave edit is a fork of the original wave edit allowing for 1024 samples in a cycle.
Vital is a free plugin wavetable synthesizer with a very powerful wavetable editor, allowing you to blend and layer multiple sources like samples and other wavetables like you would layer things in photoshop. also has additional modifiers like filtering, wave window(RM ish), wave folding, wave warping, vocoding the wavetable with misc sample sources. all animatable and modulatable through a 'keyframe' Esque timeline system. very deep.
Audioterm is a powerful mathematical based wavetable generator with resynthesis capabilities.
wavetable studio is an FM based wavetable creation tool made for serum, but usable for the deluge.
if you're willing to get your hands dirty you can use this tool to turn images into wavetables, where each pixel on the y axis represents an audio sample and the x-axis represents the wavetable position. from experience I can say it works amazingly with texture creation tools like substance designer that works with the power of 2 resolutions and have a large variety of generative algorithms. or you can use less powerful but free alternatives like TextureLab and Material Maker.
not a standalone tool, but still an alternative and useful but very manual way to create wavetables from images using free software GIMP and the not so free plugin SERUM. (you can still skip all image creation related steps if you appropriately use one of the aforementioned texture creation tools)
single cycle stuff:
single cycle generator with a large range of samples per cycle, starting at 32 samples up towards 4096 samples per cycle.
two different single-cycle generators, one being additive based, the other being math/algorithmic based. goes up to 4096 samples per cycle.
allows you to make a wavetable out of single-cycle waveforms manually with up to 100 cycles in a single table with multiple interpolation styles and the flexibility to choose your final single-cycle sample size from 128, 256,512,1024 and 2048. as well as bitrate.
That is all that I know of, for now, let me know if I missed anything and I'll be adding it to the list.
Enjoy your wavetable creation journey!
thought I'd chime in that there is another fork of WaveEdit that is specifically made to be compliant with Korg ModWave with a resolution of 2048 samples x 64 waveforms.
very nice, thanks cuckoo!
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