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Playing Hydrasynth Desktop into Deluge with Midi

ridemysailboatridemysailboat USBeta Tester Posts: 5

I want to be able to play the Hydrasynth into a midi track on the deluge. I have midi out from the deluge going into midi in on the hydrasynth, I can input notes and sequence it on the deluge, and I can also play the hydrasynth with the deluge keyboard view. However, when I try to hit record and use the hydrasynth pads to play it into the deluge midi track nothing happens? It seems I have the track armed but can't get it to record the midi. I want to be able to play the hydra so it can record all the velocity and mpe info. I'm on the latest beta firmware, just for reference. Probably something dumb that I'm overlooking, but any help is appreciated!


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    ridemysailboatridemysailboat USBeta Tester Posts: 5

    I am indeed dumb, I believe I just had to also go midi out from the hydrasynth to midi in on deluge. 🙃

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    drbourbondrbourbon ItalyBeta Tester Posts: 55

    When connecting MIDI bidirectionally make sure you set "LOCAL" to "OFF" in Hydrasynth's system settings to avoid notes being played twice at the same time from Deluge. Also be aware that Hydrasynth Desktop doesn't store this setting, so you have to set it each time you turn it on.

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    ridemysailboatridemysailboat USBeta Tester Posts: 5

    @drbourbon said:
    When connecting MIDI bidirectionally make sure you set "LOCAL" to "OFF" in Hydrasynth's system settings to avoid notes being played twice at the same time from Deluge. Also be aware that Hydrasynth Desktop doesn't store this setting, so you have to set it each time you turn it on.

    Good tip! Wish I could save that setting, but good to know, thank you!

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    EddyEddy Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 294
    edited February 2022

    Good tip! Wish I could save that setting, but good to know, thank you!

    I've just seen that they (ASM) put exactly this in a new firmware :-)

    (Save + system for customised startup)

    Post edited by Eddy on
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    drbourbondrbourbon ItalyBeta Tester Posts: 55

    @Eddy said:
    I've just seen that they (ASM) put exactly this in a new firmware :-)

    Saving LOCAL state unfortunately is still available on Deluxe model only.

    According to ASM this is to protect their after sale support from too many novice users thinking their unit is broken after forgetting to restore LOCAL to ON :smiley:

    I've also realized that another MIDI system parameter can cause headaches with Deluge: setting MIDI parameter format to CC gets reset to NRPM after connecting to the Patch Manager software.

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