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Effects Sends? (

BilboSwaggins128BilboSwaggins128 Lexington, Kentucky, USAPosts: 4

OK, so my setup is basically a Deluge plus a small Eurorack system (Zoia Euroburo + MI Beads if anyone cared to know). This eurorack setup is AMAZING for effects, but I'm struggling with routing everything to make it sound good. My current understanding of what I can do here is:
1) panning all "sends" to left (but not fully so I can keep some dry)
2)taking left out to my effects
3)taking the out from my effects to the right input of Deluge
4)using some way to monitor processed audio (currently using live audio input synth oscillator type)
5)listening to the right out of Deluge to get the full mix, which is now mono

My problem is, this sounds BAD. The effects are WAY too quiet, even though when I listen to them directly from the effects output, they're SUPER loud. Also, plugging my headphones into the right output of Deluge puts all the sound in my left ear. I think with some more connectivity/cables, my issues might be solved, or maybe even another whole device. Obviously having a mixer would be nice for this setup but my funds are limited considering I just bought a Deluge haha.


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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    Did you make sure to pan the monitoring synth hard right? And did you initialize the synth with shift +synth to make sure there’s no filtering or anything?

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    BilboSwaggins128BilboSwaggins128 Lexington, Kentucky, USAPosts: 4

    I did do those things, I actually think I solved my own problem by using a mono to headphone converter on the right output.

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    Cool. Glad it’s working! 👍🏼

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