Why aren't my kit clips obeying the loop points I set?

Hi. Using the Deluge's line-in I'd like to
a) Record audio of a drum loop that's bit more than 2 bars long.
b) Trim that down to precisely 2 bars (or set the start and end points of the loop).
c) Use that loop wherever and however I want, whether that be in its original tempo and pitch or otherwise.
Problem is, I can't get past (a).
I'm trying to do (b) in a kit clip, because if you try to trim bits from an audio file the sound slows down.
So, in a kit on an empty row, I hold Audition Pad and press Kick, thereby enabling me to load the wave file that I recorded earlier from the line-in and which has been stored in the rECord folder.
Then I press the first pad in the row and I can see the sample laid out over the first few pads.
I then press Shift and Waveform. I attempt to adjust the loop start by holding on the flashing green column and pressing on the column where I want the loop start to be. I get a flashing blue column.
I then attempt to adjust the loop end by holding on the flashing red column and pressing on the column where I want the loop end to be. I get a flashing magenta column.
When I press play, the cursor moves and the clip plays from the original start until the original end. The loop points I set are ignored.
What am I doing wrong? Sorry for the novella.
Best Answer
Too_Mere Chicago, IL, USAPosts: 993
If the green or red markers aren’t where you want, you simply move them. Press the marker and it’ll flash, signifying its selected Then press where you’d like to move it to.
This will get saved in the song. If you want to be able to use it in another song you can save the kit with save + kit, then load the kit into other songs.
The audio file itself will not be altered. If you want a trimmed file you need to use the resample function. But just saving the kit is easiest.
Even when there are loop start and endpoints, the normal start and endpoints still apply. So it will play from the green start, reach the magenta loop point, and then loop back to the blue, only reaching the red if there’s a long release.
In your use case, I’d suggest not using loop points at all and just setting the sample mode to LOOP. Then the sample will simply loop between the normal green and red start and endpoints.
Thanks @Too_Mere.
I'm not with the Deluge atm but will try your suggestion soon.
But what if the green and red endpoints are not where I want them to be? When I steal a 2-bar loop (I am a total sampling noob btw) shouldn't I steal a bit extra on either side so I can trim it down precisely? Well, how does that work on a Deluge? Can you actually cut the wave file and save the trimmed version on the SD card? The manual makes no mention of that.
Or instead are you supposed to get a perfect 2-bar loop by using loop start- and end-points that are remembered by (by what? The song? Some sort of invisible meta-data?). And if you do use endpoints, will the two-bar loop that I spent so much time adjusting be available to use in other songs? How will that work if I don't have newly created, perfectly cut, shorter wave file saved on disk?
Something's not quite right with either me or the manual. At this point, I still suspect that it's me.
Thanks for the help @Too_Mere.
For some reason the posts in this thread are out of chronological order, or at least they are for me.