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"Spring" - Minimal Generative Ambient (Deluge Standalone)


Just dipping my toes into generative ambient in general and also on the synthstrom deluge. Ambient feels like a genre that is so much more inviting, welcoming and forgiving to produce than anything I've tried before.
At this point it feels like healing. 🩹 ❤️

No samples were used, all sounds are from the internal synth engine. The sequencing relies heavily on probability and iteration dependence (e.g. "every 4th out of 7 rotations).

4 Tracks were used:

a) The arpeggio is triggered once at the beginning of each loop. Not every note is active every time, so the notes being played vary. The rate of the arpeggio is modulated by an LFO. A delay repeats the melody twice before a new one is created.

b) The chords are 15 notes spread out over five ovtaves, each of them positioned at different times during the one bar loop. They have a probability of 10 to 20 percent. That way sometimes full chords happen, sometimes single notes, sometimes silence.

c) To fill some gaps, another voice was added, that holds single notes in a range of two octaves. The length of the notes is modulated by a very slow LFO.

d) Lastly, there's a bird tweeting occasionally. I made this sound by filtering white noise with a lot of resonance and modulating the cutoff frequency.


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    jcfischerjcfischer ZurichBeta Tester Posts: 4

    Love this piece. Thanks for the explanations: I think that will lead to a fun filled evening in my studio too.

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    BilboSwaggins128BilboSwaggins128 Lexington, Kentucky, USAPosts: 4

    for the voice you mention in c), are the notes chosen randomly? I'm curious how to do random note selection as I didn't realize that was something you could do on Deluge

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    EddyEddy Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 292

    @BilboSwaggins128 said:
    for the voice you mention in c), are the notes chosen randomly? I'm curious how to do random note selection as I didn't realize that was something you could do on Deluge

    You can patch a random modulation to your OSC pitch, this is not musically working but it points in that direction

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    HeptagenHeptagen Posts: 277

    @BilboSwaggins128 @Eddy What I did there was playing every single note of two octaves at the same time, then making it an arp in random mode. The arp rate is very slow and also attack and release are very high. The slow arp rate is modulated by a slow LFO, so it does change its tempo slightly.

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    percussijanpercussijan GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 50

    This is a real gem! Beautifully calm and well composed. Thank you for sharing :)

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