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1.3 changes

in Deluge Help
Ok so we have the midi PC function and the labelling of the pages.
The wrapping function is a godsend!
What other goodies have i missed ?
i see the manual is updated but re reading in totality is a bore.
-Undo/redo in track view (Back button)
-Clear current track (<>-button + Back)
-Nudge / move track content (Hold up/down knob + turn <>)
-Sequence quantize setting (in the settings menu) - ability to turn OFF quantization
-MIDI aftertouch can now be used as a mod source
-Envelope parameters may now have any of the mod sources patched to them
-Blinking playhead can be set to solid white ('slow' in the menu)
-Battery LED blinks as battery gets increasingly lower
-Presets (patches) are no longer saved with automations
-Song browsing - can now scroll faster by using <>-button to select digit
-External CCs can control multiple parameters per track (macros)
(-Fixed time stretching of non-44.1khz samples)
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
The unquantize is so good ! Now i can use the keyboard board mode with some feel
Yeah!! Very nice
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ