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True Custom Scales


Currently the custom scale function of the Deluge tries to force entered notes into 7 or 8 tone scales. This is problematic when trying to use 5 or 6 tones scales such as Pelog or Hirojoshi. When I try to setup these scales on the Deluge currently by entering two octaves and the tones in between in chromatic mode, when I hit the scale button the Deluge tries to guess which 7 or 8 tone scale to apply and I end up seeing rows for notes that are outside of the scale.

For a really specific example, let's say I want to work with a Hirojoshi scale in C. The scale formula for Hirojoshi is as follows:

w | h | w+w | h | w+w

So, I enter the following in Chromatic mode:

C1 | D1 | D#1 | G1 | G#1 | C2

When I hit scale I still see those notes, but I also see F1 and A#1 which are outside of the scale. I could remember to avoid those when sequencing but it would be great if I didn't see them at all, especially in a live scenario where the last thing I want to do is scale math.

So, I think the custom scale mode would work best if after entering the notes in Chromatic mode hitting the scale button would only show the notes used in the sequence spanned across all the octaves. Ideally if a note was repeated at multiple octaves in the sequence while in chromatic mode that note would be assumed to be the root. But the currently existing root shifting capability works pretty great at correcting an incorrect guess by the Deluge.

A bonus feature would be for the scale function to work similar to the Fold mode in Ableton where you are able to see only the specific notes entered and nothing else, not even the repeating octaves of those notes. So, for example if I entered a sequence with only:

C1 | D2 | G3

I would only see three rows for those exact notes, I wouldn't see C2, C3, etc or D1, D3, etc or G1, G2, etc. Aside from scale/melody usage, this would also be super useful when using external MIDI gear that use MIDI notes to trigger specific sounds, such as a drum machine like my Novation Drumstation. In that case, I only need to see C0 to D2 as that's the range that trigger the various drum sounds, every other MIDI note is useless and doesn't need to be visible.

So maybe the way this could work is that when you hit SHIFT + SCALE and you scroll through the built in scales you would also have two more options for "Custom" (or i guess Cstm even the character length) and "Fold" which would engage the behaviours I've described above.



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    I definitely would like to see a fix for this implemented. Keyboard view is difficult to use with extra notes illuminated.

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    tffshtttffshtt berlinPosts: 53

    yes, please...a way to light only the notes in a scale selected by user.

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    poldensteinpoldenstein italyBeta Tester Posts: 43


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    fluteheadflutehead Frankfurt, GermanyPosts: 36


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    gtrmstr53gtrmstr53 Posts: 11
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    MPrinsenMPrinsen NetherlandsPosts: 157


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    PhilPhil MontréalBeta Tester Posts: 105

    I would even like to have a 1 note “scale”, so I could drone Throught 8 ocatves without scrolling up and down.
    I would go even further; scale would act like the fold function in ableton showing only the used notes. I like to play with only the natural harmonics of a notes which are different from ocatve to octave. ( 1, +oct, +5th, oct, + major 3rd ....)

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    RandyRandy AustraliaPosts: 16


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    MPrinsenMPrinsen NetherlandsPosts: 157

    @Phil said:
    I would even like to have a 1 note “scale”, so I could drone Throught 8 ocatves without scrolling up and down.
    I would go even further; scale would act like the fold function in ableton showing only the used notes. I like to play with only the natural harmonics of a notes which are different from ocatve to octave. ( 1, +oct, +5th, oct, + major 3rd ....)

    Yes a "fold" scale mode would be nice as well.

    Also I don't like that you can only have 1 scale for all tracks. According to the manual, it automatically sets the scale of all tracks in scale mode to the same scale, "for your convenience". For me that's not convenient!

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    intowhiteintowhite las vegasPosts: 9

    Fewer than 7 would be great for pentatonic/weird fun

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    robleighton22robleighton22 MelbournePosts: 27

    Absolutely agree. Im a pentatonic man, my go to scale.

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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    a “collapse all” function in track view could work like this:

    • synth/midi: move all rows which dont have an active step to the bottom and mute. keep octaves of active steps. scale keyboard view and incoming midi accordingly for true custom scales.
    • kit: same as synth but do not keep octaves.
    • to reenable a note scroll down to the desired row and unmute. row is inserted back to its former place. in synth/midi mode this equals adding a note to a scale.
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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    wicked if Deluge would support scl files, the Aphex Twin thing :) gives a huge scale presets library

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    WillWill Middle of NowHere, CanadaPosts: 236

    I'd love to see the ability to choose each note in a scale, just like my old Linnstrument - very quick and easy

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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    only 30+ votes? :)
    it would help me a lot when composing to avoid tedious search, zoom and scroll actions. Deluge has very limited space, so it would come natural for me to limit the notes used and compose with a scale that has less than 6 or 5 notes.
    apart from that the current scale customization system really doesnt work too well, its too idiosyncratic and limited IMHO. i'd be surprised if anyone uses it a lot (i like surprises).

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    MPrinsenMPrinsen NetherlandsPosts: 157

    I think one more scale mode would be sufficient for me: collapse. This means you first enter a few notes in the grid without the scale, then activate the scale and all notes other than the entered notes are removed.

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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    @MPrinsen said:
    I think one more scale mode would be sufficient for me: collapse. This means you first enter a few notes in the grid without the scale, then activate the scale and all notes other than the entered notes are removed.

    yes, that would be my preferred way.
    there has to be a way to add notes after collapse too. probably the easiest would be to turn off scale, add a new note, turn scale on again and then the new note is part of the scale.

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    MPrinsenMPrinsen NetherlandsPosts: 157

    @amiga909 said:

    @MPrinsen said:
    I think one more scale mode would be sufficient for me: collapse. This means you first enter a few notes in the grid without the scale, then activate the scale and all notes other than the entered notes are removed.

    yes, that would be my preferred way.
    there has to be a way to add notes after collapse too. probably the easiest would be to turn off scale, add a new note, turn scale on again and then the new note is part of the scale.


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    propellpropell NorwayBeta Tester Posts: 17

    +1 Option to hide notes outside the scale completely. (Collapse/fold... whatever you want to call it).

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    71777177 (:Posts: 38

    +1 Yesss seconded. PLs. let us choose custom collection of notes and hide the rest, insofar that's possible

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    BurtrudeBurtrude U.K. Posts: 18

    +1 scala format imports plz

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    punchedoutpunchedout United StatesPosts: 29

    +1 scala format imports.

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    71777177 (:Posts: 38


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    EddyEddy Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 292

    very good idea!

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    olicasholicash Posts: 1

    Only just discovered this machine but would definitely love to see some form of Scala/tun/MTS implementation for microtonal scales

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    YankoYanko EUPosts: 4


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    darenagerdarenager Between a rack and a hardware placeBeta Tester Posts: 222
    edited April 2019

    +1 collapsable view, custom scales, and no out of scale notes option on keyboard, pad mashing is my jam ;)

    Post edited by darenager on
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    theoristtheorist NC.USAPosts: 8

    Would also like to see "in key" scale modes implemented like the Push 2, Circuit, Launchpad Pro scripts, where the grid is effectively “folded” so that ONLY notes within the key are available to play.

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    muleskinnermuleskinner Bath, UKModerator Posts: 128

    Agree with the above. And it's probably been said already but we need a much wider range of scales and scales that are less than seven notes. The Tempest has a really wide range of scales and pad mashing in '16 tunings' mode is really fun!

    Noise, Noodles and Doodles:

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