Does anyone Trigger Gate to Roland SE02?

There is something strange.
The Deluge synchronizes the sequencer of Korg Monologue with Gate Trigger.
The Delude doesn’t synchronizes the sequencer of Roland SE02 with Gate Trigger.
Gate Triggering the Roland SE02 works only in a Daisy Chain from Monologue
I would like to synchronize the sequencers of SE02 and Monologue with two CV-Tracks.
Advises are appreciated.
Best Answer
Gerwin GermanyPosts: 30
S> @NRuck said:
Only guessing here but Monologue has only trig in / out not cv gate in, whereas Se02 has cv in / gate / out AND trig in / out. Have you tried outputting direct from Deluge to trig in of SE02, sending 5v pulses (i think)
Yes I tried outputting direct from Deluge to trig SE02. I also tried to trig Gate of another SE02 with the same result. It behaves the same way as mine. You can trigger it in a daisy chain via Monologue but not directly from Deluge.
Only guessing here but Monologue has only trig in / out not cv gate in, whereas Se02 has cv in / gate / out AND trig in / out. Have you tried outputting direct from Deluge to trig in of SE02, sending 5v pulses (i think)
OK. Could be the PPQN rate? My understanding is that Korg gear accepts 24 PPQN (pulse per quarter note) The SE02 might work on a different PPQN rate, so that's worth checking out. Deluge can send different PPQN rates but you have to set them in the CV sub menu within settings. Plus, reading the Deluge manual it says that Korg gear accepts S-trig gate commands and Roland receives V-Trig commands. You can set that in the Deluge settings menu as well, so you should be able to send S-Trig signals to the Monologue and separate V-Trig out to the SE02 from different cv gate outs on the Deluge.
This is from page 69 of the manual:
Each gate output may be set to either of:
V-trig - represents a note being on by outputting a positive voltage (12V or 5V selectable), and outputs 0V the rest of the time. Used by Roland, Sequential Circuits and ARP
S-trig - represents a note being on by “shorting” out the output to ground. When the note is off, the the Deluge “pulls up” the output’s voltage to 12V or 5V (selectable) with a 10K resistor: this is not a strict part of the S-trig standard but many devices do this and it is believed to be fully compatible and safe (see disclaimer above), and is in fact necessary (*) for Yamaha synthesizers. S-trig is used by Yamaha, Korg and Moog
The Deluge’s gate output voltage may be switched between 5V and 12V via the small toggle switch located on the Deluge’s top panel by the gate outputs.
The Deluge’s CV outputs’ range is 0V to 10V.
Trigger clock
The Deluge has a “trigger clock” input, allowing it to play as a slave to hardware which outputs a clock signal containing any number of “pulses per quarter-note” (PPQN). It can accept any voltage between 3.3V and 12V. Clock steps are read on the rising edge of the pulses. A device which has a DIN SYNC output could have pin 3 of this connector routed to the tip of the Deluge’s trigger clock input. PPQN can be set, along with an auto-start setting, in the settings menu. For more information about having the Deluge play as a slave to an external clock source (which could also be a MIDI beat clock), see Tempo and syncing.
If you wish to use the Deluge as a syncing master to send a trigger clock signal to other devices, gate output 4 can be set to output a trigger clock signal, and / or gate 3 can be set to output a “run” signal (goes high while playback is occurring; low otherwise). These output assignments are accessible via the settings menu, as is the trigger clock output PPQN setting.
IMPORTANT: Many devices which receive a trigger clock signal, particularly those whose input is a DIN SYNC, aren’t happy to receive any more than 5V on these inputs.* If you wish to interface with such a device, you need to set the Deluge’s gate outputs to 5V rather than 12V. See the previous section for instructions on this.
The SE02 has a gate Input and a trigger input and output.
S> @NRuck said:
Many thanks for your advices. I think i tried all the things you told me but I will repeat ones more and check out all the points. I will give a detailed report of all measurements later.
Ok, here a little bit more simple but detailed.
Deluge Gate 1 ( S-trig / 4 PPQN ) - Monologe Trigger in ( Sync in unit 1/16 note )
Deluge Gate 2 ( V-trig / 4 PPQN ) - SE 02 Trigger in
Result; Sequencer of Monologe works. Sequencer of SE02 does not work
Measurement; Swap the plugs of Deluge Gate 1 and 2
Result: Sequencer of Monologe works. Sequencer of SE02 does not work
Measurement; set Gate 1 from S-trig to V-trig.
Result: Sequencer of Monologe works. Sequencer of SE02 does not work
Measurement; unplug Gate 1 at Deluge and plug it in to Sync out of Monologue
Result: both sequencer are working.
Luckily I get both sequencer work this way at all. But I would like to trig them separately to do some crazy triggering.
There is another detail which is not an issue but it maybe important to know ; the sequencer of SE-02 keeps working if I stop the Sequencer of the Monologue. It will stop as soon I stop the Deluge.
This means to me that the SE02 is triggert by the Deluge. The Question is; Why does it work in a daisy chain with the Monologue but not directly.
I tried the same procedures with another SE02 with the same results. So this has nothing to do with a particular device.
Who should know about this? Who could I ask what’s going on?
Try emailing Synthstrom. They are very helpful
Thank you so much for your help. I think I tried to solve this problem long enough. Finally it’s O.K. to bother Synthstrom. I think they also have an interest that their device work with others. Especially the SE02 is an ideal companion to the Deluge because it’s size, Sound and CV, Gate, VCF Inputs and Gate trigger and Key trigger funktion of its sequencer.
I am wondering why so less Deluge user own a SE02.
Yes. Sounds like it should work with what you have already tried. I don’t have an SE02 so I can’t try anything out myself. Good luck
Thanks Mate!
I posted an email to them. Let’s see what they can do for me!
I’ve got a reply from Synthstrom. They suggest me to ask in the FB Group because there is more traffic. Unfortunately I might register to FB which I don’t really like to do.
Problem is solved. It seems that the SE02 requires a little bit more than 5V. According to the manual the Monologue delivers also 5V on Trigger Out. But it maybe that the current of the Monologue is a little bit higher as that of the Deluge. So I switched the Deluge from 5V to 12V.