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Triplet sync options
Perth, Western AustraliaBeta Tester Posts: 22
I'd love to have triplet sync options in the Delay sync and LFO sync sections. You can get close by ear without syncing but sometimes you want it to lock in for that heavy dub/wub. Also any sync options for LFO2 at all!
+1 Sync it up
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
I have good results on Delay effect to do BPM. Set the sync note to 1/8 and RATE to 18-19 to do some 3/16. The second one I use for BPM delay is sync note 1/16 and RATE=12 but that is not triple one:).
The LFO2 will most likely not have a sync option since that one runs on note-start. But LFO1 has an option to SYNC. I would try to modulate it by itself or SIDE chain to get some triplets groove. I know you have to play with it but that is only option...
Good thinking on the sync/rate combo, that works pretty well. My go-to is 8th notes with Rate=22 for that dub bounce.
Is there any way to sync the 'affect entire' delay on kits other than by ear?
I really wish the individual kit row/synth delay send was separate/switchable to the delay return volume and feedback, it sucks automating a single hit/note to go to the delay then having the tails cut off when the automation returns to '0'.
Per-step automation of the 'affect entire' would be an acceptable work around i suppose.
+1 triplet LFO and LFO sync automation
Yeah definitely keen on some more sync options, half-way points as well, so you'd have e.g. 1 bar, 1/2+ (like 3/4), 1/2, 1/4+ (like 3/8), 1/4 etc., as well as triplet variations (1/3, 1/6 etc)
I'm actually in the market for a synced digital delay eurorack module like Chronoblob or Echophon, but I wouldn't mind saving $250-$400 if it were implemented in Deluge
It'd friggen rock to have the delay's time/clock as a modulation destination too. That way, when you send an lfo, for example, to the delay time/clock, that lfo would automate the different divisions of the clock (including triplets) at the main clocks's tempo. You end up getting a really cool synced ratcheting delays. You don't even need to have the lfo synced since it's automating divisions of the main clock. Chronoblob is cool too because you have the option to select whether or not the pitch fluctuates with the delay change, or to have a straight repeating digital delay. Here's a couple examples from Chronoblob:
+1 for delay at note intervals
Music, Visuals, Reviews of Synths, Drum Machines, Apps
YouTube: VJFranzK
The Delay system now is needlessly confusing -
most users will want to use tempo synched delay?
non-synch doesn't have much use.
I liked the Electribe ESX delay settings a lot ( better than ES2 in this way )
Music, Visuals, Reviews of Synths, Drum Machines, Apps
YouTube: VJFranzK
Yeah, esx has a nice system/range of values.
That second chronoblob clip is awesome, +1 to mod targetable sync times.
Yeah, delay should have a free rate and tempo sync mode. in tempo sync rate should give a list of clock divisions including dotted and triplets.
instead of guessing which number could represent what.
@VJFranzK I use nonsynced delay constantly.
+1 one on dotted delay values. those are super useful, and it feels strange to have a delay that has a sync to BPM option but no support for dotted note delay values.