top panel replacement sadness

So I bought the new top panel, a phillips screwdriver set, a hex key set, a socket wrench set, a wrist strap. I watched the video, I read the instructions. I set it all up, got to the part where you remove a couple dozen screws from the PCB, removed most but the last two would not budge. Nothing worked. I tried for a half hour to get those two screws out, no luck.
The video makes it look easy, I had the right tools, good tools, and the right instructions but no joy. Stopped by two tiny screws. If anybody who successfully replaced the top panel has any suggestions for how to remove those screws, let me know.
So far I’m out over a hundred bucks for nothing. I know there are places to send the Deluge for the top panel replacement, but I’m not in the mood to spend more (a lot more IIRC), and since my Deluge is out of warranty, I’m reluctant to send it off to a random guy. What if it got damaged?
So I’m not happy. I’ll put the Deluge away for a couple of weeks until I can stop cursing at it. lol
Try a few different screwdrivers. Some work way better than others even though they are the same size.
If it's just a couple of screws why not try one of those cellphone repair places in your local mall? They are usually pretty experienced at tiny tiny screws.
Just take the problematic bit (wrapped and boxed to avoid damage).
Well I’m calmer now. Thanks for the suggestions!
I tried several screwdrivers, but those screws are super tight. I’d afraid I’ll crack the board if I try any harder.
I am going to check out the cell phone repair suggestion. If that doesn’t work I’m going to contact a guy I know who does meticulous electronics work. I think he can help me.