3.0 feature tease #2: Live Looping
At Superbooth 2018 we unveiled the ‘arranger’ for the Deluge - a suite of features offering a brand new approach to complex song composition on a stand-alone piece of hardware.
Well, for Superbooth 2019, Rohan has gone above and beyond, creating another inventive and entirely new way of interfacing with the Deluge. We are over the moon today to announce that the Deluge synthesizer, sequencer and sampler is soon to also be... a looper!
We asked some friends to have a jam on the alpha firmware and they show a glimpse into what is possible. You can find links to all four videos in our newsletter (http://bit.ly/2Zvu1f7) if you haven’t received it in your email.
There will be further videos made at Superbooth (May 9-11) which will further explore the workflow and show just what is possible.
Please don’t ask us if it does this or that - we’ll have more details soon. We’re just really excited and wanted to share this with you as soon as possible.
Great feature!
Awesome news, I just got the newsletter about it (love the newsletter BTW, only just recently found out about it)
I really think the sampling implementation on the Deluge is both amazing and somewhat a little lacking in some minor functions, so I hope that the next update addresses some of these, and from what had been revealed so far at least one of these has been addressed, and besides that the live looping could be a real game changer, and hopefully attract more new people to the Deluge.
USB host is a nice surprise, quite amazed actually.
Great stuff!
True input monitoring (w/o using input "oscillators" and drone steps) and length-quantized sampling are exactly the two features I hoped for so badly. Thank you so much, these news made my day.
Neat update! Really appreciate the efforts and updates!
That is very cool, this is a game changer. I think also a Compressor will be very nice to add in the upcoming firmware.
Awesome stuff!!
Amazing work, and a really smart direction to take. The live looping functionality highlights the Deluge's immediacy - being able to interact with it as an instrument in a live/improvisational way. Beyond just deepening the "feature list", this expands the range of creative approaches someone can take with the Deluge.
And MIDI Host! Seems like a small thing but it opens up so many possibilities!
I'm craving for a decent looper since about 15 years, got my deluge since a week, and now this tease. You are doing such a stunning job. I started working on midi routing with my raspberry pi, for jamming outside with usb midi only devices. Now having usb host it's probably just fixed, line in monitoring also. It feels like getting another new device for free, one that didn't even exist before.
You have an awesome project going on, it's inspiring.
Thank you very much and congratulations.
Fantastic I'm so happy this is happening. Hopefully you can retrigger the loop anywhere in the middle of the loop like monome mlr. That would be the bees knees
I’m speechless. The Deluge has been such good fun and great value. Every time I think about buying another bit of gear the feature I wanted it for is added to the Deluge. My family thanks you.. I’m not sure if I do haha
Oh man! I have made albums and songs using only rudimentary loopers and I bought a more complex looper few months ago. Sold it a while ago and bought the deluge. Incredible machine, I'm having so much fun making music. I was thinking the other day "if only this would have a more streamlined looping functionality" and then this news... So excited! You guys are incredible!
This is seriously awesome.
AND the newsletter also announces a MIDI foot controller!
It's a feature I was hoping might come to the Deluge but didn't hold out too much hope that it would. Looks like you've gone the extra mile once again. Use loopers a fair bit with my band and this could really simplify our set-up and be a genuine game changer for me. Excellent work as ever. I can't wait for it but don't feel the need to rush. Keep up the good work (I know you will)
You guys rock.
Great news. Looks like 3.0 is going to be full of amazing improvements to an already awesome machine. That is a lot of bonuses over the 1.4 version I bought. Thanks!
This really is the feature I was waiting for. Looking forward to get the update.
Thank you for your work.
this is incredible news! thanks so much for the continued development guys... it's like you buy something and then keep getting more 'stuff' without further costs! looking forward to doing some live looping with it... nice demo videos too :-)
Super stoked on this as well!
Would it be safe to assume that hooking up the OP-1, I could sent MIDI in both directions?
Incredible update news! ❤️
Is the live-looping just for audio or also for MIDI so that the track length of every track grows automatically?
Will the foot pedal be usable for other things than audio looping too?
That’s actually a very good suggestion! And it seems to me to be a very logical next step after audio looping.
For me, midi live-looping with automatic track lengths would be even better than audio live looping!
Midi live looping would be great... but unless Active Track Midi CC mapping is finally added too, will not be very useful for live performance.
I hope that's what "+ some other things " in the newsletter means.
I have a Roland A-49 which can switch midi channels very easy and fast. This is a nice workaround for fast instrument switching
Besides the new great features, I really loved to read about .. is there a changelog available where one can see maybe some of all the basic tiny and small suggestions (e.g. MIDI, CC, effects ...) that were made in the forum?
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
We haven't announced the full 3.0 update yet as it's still very much in development. We've simply teased two main features, QWERTY and Live Looping, and haven't gone into detail on those either - we will explain further as it goes along, but UI is still very fluid at this stage and in active development. We don't list all the refinements and full feature list until it's released - and yeah, we won't be making "tease" videos of minor refinements/changes - only the new "features", though when it goes to beta, it will probably be 95% finalised, so people will have a very good idea then.
Will it be possible to use QWERTY for sample naming? Only song and preset names are mentioned in the first teaser.
Thanks for explaining 🌻 i already thought in that direction, That's why im so curious asking hehehe
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
Great news! Particularly audio input thru... hope that we‘ll be able to delete samples (especially recorded stuff), too.
I don't see why it wouldn't. A USB connection is always bi-directional, and it would be very weird if the Deluge only received MIDI data. We'll have to wait for the Beta to find out, Ian has said time and time again that specific questions like this would not be answered until the update was actually released.
Very exciting!
Also seems that this looping function is also going to somehow solve the "clicking/ zero-crosssing" problem as well....
FPlease make this foot controller SILENT in order order not to record indésirable clicks !!