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Deluge doing the heavy lifting

Hi all. This is another tune I put together. Deluge is providing drums and some synths, plus sequencing my Circuit Mono Station (plus firing out MIDI cc's to control filter freq and resonance) and ARP Odyssey Module. All one take 'live' into Protools with me riding the ADSR of the ARP and delay levels of Lexicon MX300 attached to my mixer via aux sends. Fun, fun, fun. I do love my Deluge!
Nice, I like it Nick.
Thanks, Surf Hunter!
P.S. Been listening to some of your tunes on Soundcloud. Really enjoying what I've heard so far though been at work so can't crank the volume to the degree they deserve ;-) Really nice flow! How much is Deluge of the ones you've posted?
Thanks Nick, the Deluge is my centerpiece, not only my only sequencer (DAWless) but I end up using the synth engines on almost everything as well as sampling. The Deluge has been epic for me and honestly one of my best purchases ever.
Yes, it's a cracking piece of kit and I also regard it as one of my very wisest music tech purchases. I am also DAW less until final recording as per the track at the start of this thread or 'mastering' of the resampled two tracks from the Deluge if I've done everything within the Deluge. Seen a few people saying they are likely to ditch their Deluge for the Akai Force but not me! Can I take the Force to the sofa or the bed and sit with it happily on my lap writing 'choons'? Nope! Do you think Akai will support the product and it's users with anything like the open, friendly ears and top notch service we get from the Synthstrom chaps? Doubt it. Oh, and did I mention it costs best part of two Deluges! No. I'll stick thanks!
I have only begun to sratch the surface of what the Deluge can do. I am not the slightest interest in the Force. Hell, you will never get the type of customer service and support you get here.