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How do I get my hi-hats to work?

MatthewGeorgeMatthewGeorge Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 247
Been reading the manual and can't find it...
I've made some kits and want to know how to get my closed hi-hat sound to cut my open hi-hat sound?


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    MatthewGeorgeMatthewGeorge Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 247
    Oh yeah... Found it in the manual...
    POLYphony - if switched OFF, then the playing of any new notes cuts short any which are already “releasing”. However, unlike traditional monophonic synths, you may still sound multiple notes simultaneously if you choose to. Also has a CHOKe setting - any sound set to CHOKe will stop all other CHOKe sounds within its kit when it starts (the typical example being an open and closed hi-hat sound, where you never want both to sound simultaneously)
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    KushoKusho Christchurch, NZBeta Tester Posts: 17

    Thanks bro, saved me finding that in the manual.

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