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Deluge Kit Generator



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    punchedoutpunchedout United StatesPosts: 29
    edited March 2019

    Kit000 is a default kit.
    Kit200 is a kit that has a kick on C1
    Kit211 is a kit that has a kick on B0

    200 and 211 were generated with the generator.
    I tried to see if there were any differences in the XML, but could find none. That is why I am so confused...

    I attached the kits in a archived rar. If it fails. I will attach a link:

    Post edited by punchedout on
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    HorstmaistaHorstmaista Los AngelesBeta Tester Posts: 56

    Sorry dude, can't help you than. Good luck. Let me know in case you find out what's happening there.

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    punchedoutpunchedout United StatesPosts: 29

    Thank you for your help while I looked into this. In the end it turned out to be 2.1.1 I didn't realize there was a 2.1.2 firmware update.

    Either my firmware was corrupted somehow or I just needed to get on the latest version. Now every kit starts on C1 and I can shift the kick to the C1 slot if the generator does not automatically do it on the few that had issues.

    I really appreciate your work here and will try to add to it. I'd like to add clap, one tom, crash and ride to the sorter. I'll review the syntax and give it a shot. If I finish it I'll upload it for others.

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    keymankeyman Palmela, PortugalBeta Tester Posts: 30

    @punchedout Latest firmware is 2.1.3 ;-)

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    punchedoutpunchedout United StatesPosts: 29

    Yes, immediately after posting this, I checked my other posts and realized this. Still seems to work. I will still do my best to update this to include clap, tom, crash, and ride.

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    punchedoutpunchedout United StatesPosts: 29
    edited March 2019

    @Horstmaista how did you learn to code? This is very elegant to my eyes and mind. Did you go to school or just through independent study? I'd like to be a better developer, but struggle to find anybody who has time to help answer questions as I encounter them. Understandably we are all busy.

    I wonder if you are not working on this what keeps you busy as it is probably even more interesting than these side projects.

    Any insight into your inception codewise would be appreciated. Where doth one hail?
    If its too personal I understand also.

    Post edited by punchedout on
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    HorstmaistaHorstmaista Los AngelesBeta Tester Posts: 56

    @punchedout to keep it short (as it's about the Deluge): I have a degree in computer science and have been coding a lot in the last 15 years - but definitely wouldn't call my Python coding elegant - lots of google'ing involved.

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    punchedoutpunchedout United StatesPosts: 29

    Thank you for the straightforward response!

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    Ctrl_VCtrl_V United StatesPosts: 5

    Hey there, thanks for making this program!
    I tried running as instructed in the readme, however the cmd window appears and disappears before I can read anything.

    A folder for "delugekits" is populated but the xml file inside "KIT101" has no text when edit with notepad.

    Anything I'm missing?

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    udelugeudeluge germanyPosts: 62

    @Ctrl_V said:
    Hey there, thanks for making this program!
    I tried running as instructed in the readme, however the cmd window appears and disappears before I can read anything.

    A folder for "delugekits" is populated but the xml file inside "KIT101" has no text when edit with notepad.

    Anything I'm missing?

    facebook is evil

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    Ctrl_VCtrl_V United StatesPosts: 5

    @udeluge said:

    @Ctrl_V said:
    Hey there, thanks for making this program!
    I tried running as instructed in the readme, however the cmd window appears and disappears before I can read anything.

    A folder for "delugekits" is populated but the xml file inside "KIT101" has no text when edit with notepad.

    Anything I'm missing?

    Cheeky, but this isn't helping a bunch.

    Anyone know why the command window is not running and staying open?
    Tried looking for additional guidance online but I couldn't find anything specific.
    Being able to take the kits and samples on my PC and having them transfer to the in an organized fashion would be great.

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    duelinmarkersduelinmarkers Austin TX USPosts: 137

    @Ctrl_V said:
    Anyone know why the command window is not running and staying open?

    I haven't used this program or read the readme, but from what you're saying it sounds like maybe you're double clicking the program to run it, when instead you need to open a command prompt, navigate to a certain directory (e.g. with cd), and then run the program from there.

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    Ctrl_VCtrl_V United StatesPosts: 5

    @duelinmarkers said:

    @Ctrl_V said:
    Anyone know why the command window is not running and staying open?

    I haven't used this program or read the readme, but from what you're saying it sounds like maybe you're double clicking the program to run it, when instead you need to open a command prompt, navigate to a certain directory (e.g. with cd), and then run the program from there.

    Thanks for the help Duelinmarkers. I can get the command window to work and creat kits when I use the 66 Drum Kits that are discussed in the chain However, when it doesn't seem to work in any of my other sample folders.

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    EddyEddy Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 292
    edited March 2020

    what is the "rename66.exe" for that is not mentioned in the HELP file but in your first post?

    EDIT: Sorry, found the answer in exactly the first post :-)

    Post edited by Eddy on
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    EddyEddy Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 292

    @mbang said:
    Wonderful tool, thanks a million! Was just wondering, when doing the rename - this one did not have a "names.txt" file: 17. EKO CompuRhythm
    I´ve googled but without success, anyone grabbed the file names from somewhere and care to share?

    Its true, I haven´t got a solution as well

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    MagikMagik Brussels, BelgiumBeta Tester Posts: 4
    edited May 2020

    In addition, I wrote this little powershell script to

    • add the name of the first found folder sample to the kit name
    • rename the kit name to include the sound pack name

    The goal was to see the pack name from the display --> way more convenient.

    example= from 'KIT102.xml' to (102 AKAI XE8.xml)


    Get-ChildItem "c:\temp\66 Legendary Drum kits\delugekits" -Filter *.xml | 
    Foreach-Object {
         [XML]$xmlDetails = Get-Content $_.FullName
         $firstFoundFoldername= $xmlDetails.kit.soundSources.sound.Item(0).osc1.filename
         $newFullName=$_.Directory.FullName  + "\" + $filenameWithoutKit + " " + $newFilename +".xml"
         Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newFullName
    Post edited by Magik on
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    wentbackwardwentbackward Hong KongPosts: 2

    If you want the kits named instead of numbers you can edit these lines in

    makenumbered = 0
    makenamed = 1

    Add bass to the pbd array so the Roland kits work better

    pbd = ["bd","BD","KICK","kick","Kick","Bassdrum","bass"]

    Also I prefer the long kit names, so edit this line

    mergedfoldername = folder.replace(" ","_").upper()  #genShortName(folder.replace(" ","_"))
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    Quixotic7Quixotic7 Point Richmond, CABeta Tester Posts: 13

    Awesome script, thanks for this!

    I just grabbed and ripped my entire Maschine Library to numbered samples, then used the Kit Generator Script which I modified to add the sounds in numbered order, rather than autosort them based on type, then named each sound by the first name in the file, so "01-Kick BangerLoc 1" will just display as "Kick".

    Now I have all my Maschine Kits on the Deluge and it's fantastic!

    It had problems with a couple kits because it couldn't read the wav file. I'm a programmer but rarely use python so rather than try to debug this, I just resaved those kits as 16bit wavs and then they worked.

    Here's the modified python script in case it's helpful to anyone:

    Building using the -f and -t flags works best since I can have my samples exactly where I want.

    For example for the Maschine 2 Factory Content:

    .\ -s 100 -f "MASCHINE\M2FA" -t "SAMPLES\MASCHINE\M2FA"

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    rallatrallat NYCBeta Tester Posts: 11

    Could you upload the code to github? I could contribute helping fixing this issues.

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    HorstmaistaHorstmaista Los AngelesBeta Tester Posts: 56

    Hey @rallat, feel free to upload it to github. Just share the link here.
    Thanks for contributing guys!

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    vikrammsvikramms USABeta Tester Posts: 1

    I have been trying to use the script with the Kitmaker folders but I am having some issues,
    1. How did re-save the Maschine samples as 16-bit?
    2. The script is also giving me an error,
    Chromatic Fire Library >> YES
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/Users/Vikram/Downloads/Kit Maker Kits/Script_v3/", line 229, in
    currentsound = currentsound.replace("####LENGTH", str(round(wavelength(file))))
    File "/Users/Vikram/Downloads/Kit Maker Kits/Script_v3/", line 21, in wavelength
    with contextlib.closing(, 'rb')) as f:
    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/", line 509, in open
    return Wave_read(f)
    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/", line 163, in init
    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/", line 143, in initfp
    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/", line 268, in _read_fmt_chunk
    raise Error('unknown format: %r' % (wFormatTag,))

    I think it is related to the size of the "sample" file being opened.



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