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Chord forms in Keyboard Mode
Mainz, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 70
in Deluge Help
I get often good results when using the keyboard mode, but I don't know which chords I'm playing
Is there an overview, which key constellations I have to press for which chord forms?
Anyone here who can help me?
Keyword for this kind of layout is: Isomorphic Keyboard....if you search, you will understand the thoughts behind that idea, i have heard Deluge is kind of a Guitar layout but i thought it had to be Fifths from row to row instead of Quart
here are a couple of images I found
having trouble attaching trying again
here you have it couldn,yt get attachments to work
see Olivier Ozoux explain it
Thanks @Robbymust
That was exactly the information I needed. Very easy to understand when you get it presented in such a nice way. I still think that an overview of the chord forms and a short explanation of the principle should be included in the manual.
Hi again. at Gearslutz I found a great PDF with an overview of the Deluge's chord shapes:
here the link to the file