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two deluges for live performance

ELEVENELEVEN Zagreb, CroatiaPosts: 60
edited October 2018 in General Discussion

i would like to use two deluges for live performances, one for drums only and the other for everything else. the idea is to a)get more output channels and b) get dedicated drum mutes and effects for drums.
is there a way to map the load button and select knob to an external controller/the other deluge? that would be best, i'd just change to the next song/subslot simultaneously without any worries.
alternatively, is there a way to sequence the deluge with another deluge? so that you can use one of them as a sequencer and the other one as a drum machine/module.
i can't seem to find a way to select a midi input channel/multiple channels for the deluge.
learning one deluge's load button and select knob to the other deluge's load button and select knob doesn't work either.
thanx in advance, any response is much appre ciated!

Post edited by ELEVEN on


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    ELEVENELEVEN Zagreb, CroatiaPosts: 60

    ok, I tried everything and it can't be done 🙂

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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    u can send midi tracks to a second Deluge. midi learn in the second Deluge

    @ELEVEN said:
    i would like to use two deluges for live performances, one for drums only and the other for everything else.
    alternatively, is there a way to sequence the deluge with another deluge? so that you can use one of them as a sequencer and the other one as a drum machine/module.

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    ELEVENELEVEN Zagreb, CroatiaPosts: 60

    thanx for replying!
    I am obviously missing something. how do i set the input channels on the second deluge?
    please if you could point me in the right direction, that would be wonderful

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    justindavidowjustindavidow Winnipeg, CanadaPosts: 16

    Midi is learned per-track, so:

    From the first to the second:

    • Connect a cable from the midi out on the first deluge to the midi in on the second

    On the first deluge:

    • Create a new midi track
    • pick any output channel
    • (Enter any notes you want to send / etc)

    On the second:

    • create a new kit track
    • Hold learn, and any of the audition pads on the right most side
    • while holding those keys, (all the audition pads on the second deluge will start to flash) the track is in midi learn mode. Pressing any audition pad on the first deluge will send a message (with the channel number), and the second deluge will learn the channel (not just the specific note sent)

    • Start pressing audition pads on the midi track on your first deluge to trigger the nite of the same value on the learned kit track on the second deluge.

    Keep in mind that the midi channel will be bound to the track it was learned on, if you add a second track on the second deluge, you will have to pick one:

    • learn both to the same channel (will play notes on both tracks at the same time)
    • learn a new midi track / channel to the new track
    • remove the mapping on the first track and bind it to a new kit track. (If you really wanted to reuse the midi channel)
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    ELEVENELEVEN Zagreb, CroatiaPosts: 60

    wow man!!
    many many thanx
    i'll try it out and report back

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