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three questions so far

in Deluge Help
I’m enjoying the Deluge very much, it’s easy to navigate, but there are three things I can’t figure out-
How do I delete a sample I’ve recorded but don’t want to use?
How do I create pitch bends on the Deluge, or is that only possible with an external keyboard?
How do I set the pitch bend range?
I’m sure the answers are in the manual somewhere, but I can’t seem to find them. Help is much appreciated!
No sample delete from the box as of the moment, delete them from the sd card on a computer.
Okay, thanks minigoat. I’ll need to keep track of which samples I’ve used.
Any idea about pitch bend?
You can assign transpose to a gold knob or to modulation or use a midi controller.
Thanks for the information.
It’s difficult to do a smooth pitch bend with two oscillators, but it’s interesting to automate pitch bend for each oscillator separately. Pitch bending samples works well.
Theres a master transpose.
Oh yeah I see, thanks.