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  • New Cycles - live performance

  • My first track for 2 months

    I've not been in a great place recently but feeling much better! I woke up and today and played for the first time in a while and this came out. I love the Deluge and my fellow Delugers!

  • Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon

    @Heptagen said:
    This is so cool, the samples create a very crucial and rich context for the music. I loved the first synth pad a lot.
    Also thanks for including some background about yourself, I hope things start to look better and brighter for you. :smile: Being able to create some uplifting music is a good sign.

    Thank you for your kind words! Over the past 3 months I feel I have become a strange synthetic being that lives to consume content and only communicates with 2D people. I NEED TO GET OUT lol Bring on the sun and hopefully a bit more freedom!

  • Deluge workflow for finalizing track (mixing / mastering)

    Hey there,

    Firstly I'm sorry that no one had responded to you yet, these forums can be disappointingly quiet at times. There are better experts than myself here but I will at least give you a response and try and help.

    You are correct that mastering is not possible on the Deluge however you can do a degree of mixing by ensuring you are happy with your levels, effect automation and use of the Treble and Bass parameters. I almost always end up increasing the bass levels on my basses and kick drums.

    Now you are at a cross roads, if you want to mix tracks individually and then master, you can either solo them and play them direct into a DAW using an Audio Interface or do the same but resample and transfer from your SD card. It is time consuming and not ideal.

    Alternatively, if you are happy with how your song sounds, you can play in Arranger mode and resample the entire song. Doing this provides you with a completed song you can move into your DAW. I use this method, one things are in the DAW there is usually enough headroom to support additional EQing tweaks and mastering.

    In terms of DAWS, personally I use Reason as it is something I am comfortable with and it provides a huge range of synths which if I wanted, I could overly on my Deluge track. I'm also happy with what it can do from a mixing and mastering perspective. Reason isn't terribly expensive but it isn't free.
    Many people use Ableton and I know there is hardware which is compatible with it, others may be able to advise if there is a workflow for exporting from Deluge into Ableton.

    I hope some of that helps, have fun creating.

  • Black Pyramids

    @GKRGY said:
    very enjoyable! thanks for sharing :)

    Hey thanks for checking it out! It means a lot to me.